Minecraft Username: TheEpicChopper Affiliation: Owner Town Name: ChopperVille Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region? No Co-ordinates of Grief: echantment table 1 X=-1450 Y=69 Z= -4596 enchantment table 2 X=-1455 Y= 69 Z= -4584 Brewing stand 1 X= -1446 Y=70 Z= -4581 the other brewing stand is right beside it. wall hole X= -1460 Y=69 Z= -4592 Shop diamond ores X= -1529 Y=62 Z= -4530 Town member's house hole on the wall X= -1531 Y=64 Z=-4518 Brief Description: There are holes on the wall of the town spawn and a hole on the wall of a town member's house, and the griefer took 2 enchantment tables, 2 brewing stands, glowstone lamps from town spawn and diamond ores from a shop. Evidence: Holes and missing etable, brewing stand and screenshots of the griefed town http://i.imgur.com/UwLdPOr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NL6QZZL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0TvuAvw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/gPAgsc3.png Rollback: Yes please
Hello, All grief was found to be done by xhunter31. There is not enough damage to warrant a rollback. In order for a rollback to be issued it requires $7,500 of damage. I am sorry this has happened and the player has been banned for this grief. Revanrose6 xhunter31 Banned for Grief in Chopperville