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  1. NinjarakuPwnz

    Mayor ⛰️⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    May 12, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Minecraft Username:

    I am the Town Mayor for GreenAcres

    Town Name:

    Is the Grief located in the Wild? If so, is there a pending Mayor application for this defined region?
    Grief was done in a established town.

    Co-ordinates of Grief:
    x -10485, y 63, z 8259 player owned house, multiple areas within house.
    x -10448, y 63, z 8251 my storage building, just 1 block.
    x -10449, y 64, z 8262 builder apartment
    x -10444, y 68, z 8261 builder apartment between rooms 2nd story
    x -10489, y 63, z 8220 player owned house
    x -10488, y 63, z 8229 player owned house, multiple walls within house damaged in and outside.
    x -10487, y 63, z 8180, dug a random hole
    x -10492, y 63, z 8176 broke my apartment window.
    x -10493, y 63, z 8163 broke window to player owned house.
    x -10485, y 64, z 8155 broke windows to gain entry to player owned house.
    x -10487, y 63, z 8135 broke wall and window to gain entry to player owned house.
    x -10458, y 63, z 8211 caused multiple damage areas to player owned house.
    x -10613, y 63, z 8258 broke into nwart farm and stole floors 1,2,3,5(skipped 4) of matured nstalk equal to over $6k
    x -10603, y 63, z 8206 broke into town produce farm building and took about 20 taters. then climbed ladder and broke into multiple levels of the building and stole about 300 wheat(matured) from second level, and broke into level 3,
    Brief Description:
    Player buildings had blocked removed from what seems to gain entry and to commit theft, trespassing on other townsmember plots and causing damage to their buildings as well as some minor damage around town, the person who has committed the grief has reimbursedme "ninjarakupwnz" the $1000 which was a cost for investigation, i made it clear to read server/town rules but apparently this person did not follow them. i gave this person permission for a plot in my town which he/she paid for. which is now suspended. this person gained entry into several houses listed above by causing damage and removing blocks to buildings he/she has no ownership of.
    investigator checked and found name of person who committed the grief in these as above stated areas. name given upon request.

    cannot upload any images due to internet issues at this time.

    Rollback Request:
    yes please
  2. HCPillarofFire

    HCPillarofFire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 23, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    OGzcheetos was the culprit. As for the rollback we do not count crops in total rollback monetary values so the total grief was not significant enough to warrant a rollback. Also please let your town's members know to not repair grief until the report has been completed.

    No rollback user has been banned.
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