What is your IGN: 47346 2a. Are you a town/nation - mayor/president or are you a member of a town/nation?: yes 2b.. What is the name of the town/nation (If applicable): Zelrok 3. Is this grief located in the wild? If so is it to a town with an outstanding Mayor application already made?: no 4. What are the co-ordinates of this grief that is to be investigated? [x] [y] [z]: x= -442 , Y= 60 , z= -1264 5. Additional information/screenshots (If any): Can u pls Use Rollback to get my stuff back.
This is not grief, I left you a sign "Now resident only town" I hated taking that house down, thus it was so nice, messge me in game (I'll be on tonight) and i'll give you your items back, sorry for the confusion. -Jetscat (Zelrok Mayor)