In Game Name: AyriiaAffiliation: ResidentTown Name: WolftownIs this a protected town: Yes, this is a protected townPending Town Application: Grief Location: +4585 69 +4550 / +4590 69 +4555 / +4583 69 +4560 / +4580 69 +4555 / +4592 70 +4542Grief Description: Many areas of the Grove have been destroyed. Gloestone hangs from the fence posts, some are missing. Stones from the ends of the landing are missing. Some I believe is a result of a resident called visseflaws griefing the area.Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: Wolfspy7 and AyriiaScreenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Rollback Request:
Hello @Ayriia, thank you for filing this grief report. Upon further investigation, I found found that @ViSSeFlaws destroyed: 4 Chiseled Stone Bricks 10 Glowstone @ViSSeFlaws /warn'd for minor block grief in the town of wolftown. Locked - User warned