[Grief Report] Sevenskies

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by JonathanWick, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. JonathanWick

    JonathanWick Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 10, 2021
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    Town Name:
    Is this a protected town:
    Yes, this is a protected town
    Pending Town Application:

    Grief Server:
    Grief Location:
    X: 4881 Y:63 Z:2739
    X: 48831 Y:63 Z:2759
    X: 4897 Y:63 Z:2760
    X: 4848 Y:65 Z:2746
    X:4855 Y:63 Z:2756
    Grief Description:
    I saw the user "HunterGreen1" griefing my town, ex member of my town, he was aiming for quartz blocks,
    the 4 buildings that he grief, it had quartz , i dont know how many stacks of quartz he took. He took quartz floors, quartz stairs, quartz pillars. he griefed community town areas, such as the town hall, hall of fame, town storage, and small areas of the town, then i reported to the mods, and he started to spam insults in the global chat, and few seconds later, he was kicked by ClarinetPhoenix.

    I replaced the griefed areas with Dirt, so you can identify the areas and amount taken.

    the 80% of the blocks griefed were quartz, small parts of concrete, wood and stone bricks.

    I hope you guys can support me with a rollback, it took me a while to save the money and reach what i became with the town today.
    Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area:
    no users owned the griefed area, it were community buildings (town hall, hall of fame, port, a small bridge and a town storage place, the three of them made of quartz
    Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief:
    Rollback Request:
  2. ChefCraft19

    ChefCraft19 Microsoft Excel Certified
    Mythic ⚔️ I ⚔️ President ⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ VII ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Mar 6, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Hello @JonathanWick, thank you for filing this report although I'm very sorry you had to.

    After my investigation, @huntergreen1 destroyed a total of 416 blocks valued at $13409.43 and @Imperial101 destroyed a total of 42 blocks valued at $1110.75.
    White Concrete - 61
    Quartz Stairs - 39
    Quartz Slab - 16
    Birch Slab - 10
    Glass Block - 10
    Quartz Block - 134
    Quartz Pillar - 67
    Dark Oak Slab - 4
    Glass Pane - 4
    Glowstone - 1
    Stone Brick Slab - 70
    Quartz Block - 15
    White Concrete - 3
    Glowstone - 24

    Due to the severity of this grief, I have submitted a rollback request to the SA team.

    User @huntergreen1 has been banned for Major block grief in the town of Sevenskies (MN)

    User @Imperial101 has been banned for Moderate block grief in the town of Sevenskies (MN)

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