[Grief Report] Rapture2

Discussion in 'Historically Archived Grief Report & Rollback Req' started by xlqeyed, Jun 4, 2019.

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  1. xlqeyed

    xlqeyed Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    May 7, 2016
    Trophy Points:
    In Game Name:
    I am an manager hired by ladyvamptress to manage /warp rapture2 and in the region my status is owner
    Town Name:
    Is this a protected town:
    Yes, this is a protected town
    Pending Town Application:

    Grief Location:
    12792 40 4620
    Grief Description:
    The farm of the town was griefed as was part of a plot
    Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area:
    Everyone in rapture2
    Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief:
    Unfortunately not but its clear whats missing
    Rollback Request:

  2. NutsAndBees

    NutsAndBees Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 1, 2019
    Trophy Points:
    Hello @minergreg, thanks for filing this report.
    From what I've investigated in the area--

    @Ecotix destroyed:
    1x water
    48x stone
    29x stone brick
    4x mossy stone brick
    1x sea lantern
    2x stone slab
    3x soul sand
    6x andesite
    1x granite

    and placed:
    1x water
    1x soul sand

    @arceus2011 destroyed:
    1x wood button
    62x stone brick
    1x mossy stone brick
    12x stone slab
    2x sea lantern
    2x stone

    and placed:
    2x water
    3x dirt

    With crops, they both griefed:
    211x netherwart
    256x sugar cane
    227x beetroot
    193x wheat
    240x carrot
    233x potato

    Additionally, @seriouslylexy and @Dave_Dolphin have also approached me to report additional grief on their plot in your town:

    Ecotix also destroyed:
    2x glass pane
    1x oak plank
    2x purple bed
    2x oak log
    1x torch
    2x furnace
    1x cauldron
    1x tripwire hook
    1x chipped anvil

    2x carrots
    2x wheat
    1x beetroot

    With a total of 195 modified blocks (110 from Ecotix, 85 from arceus2011) and 1365 griefed crops.

    Both users have already been banned due to active grief by @1aughter. And even still, it's major block and crop grief.

    Locked. Both users remain banned.
    #2 NutsAndBees, Jun 4, 2019
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2019
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