In Game Name: LocalSquidlerAffiliation: Resident, and Co Owner of PixelTownTown Name: Pixel TownIs this a protected town: Yes, this is a protected townPending Town Application: Grief Location: -3775, 62, -12350. purple terracotta blocks. -3790, 62, -12342. edge of water -3775, 90, -12350. Roof of base -3789, 91, -12325 edge, of base on topGrief Description: 1. purple terra cotta was removed, two blocks. 2. 9 purple terracotta blocks stolen 3. farm was raided. all wheat was taken and not replanted 4. two double chest were placed here. not by me. but i locked them so that could not be removed by griefer.Which users own the griefed area, or are allowed to edit blocks in the area: PixelGuy75, DeathOpticz, GoMonkeyMad. they all have access to my base. but i trust them. but they might have left a door open.Screenshots to assist Staff identify the grief: Request:
Starberrybloom warned for - minor block grief (13 purple glazed terracotta) - failure to replant farms