Hello, I am the mayor of GreenerPastures and my town will be a farm/mcMMO training town with some plots. It will be similar to "Atlanta" pre-demolition. Anyway, I'm looking for a couple of co-mayors. After almost two years of building this place, it's not even close to finished, so I'm looking for some co-mayors to help . REQUIREMENTS OF THE CO-MAYOR Mayor+, or Builders but you must have 6+ months on ECC, similar to staff applications I would like you to have fly, but water is a necessity. If you don't have it, that's fine, but keep in mind that you should plan on getting this feature to make the most benefit from being a co-mayor. FORMAT FOR APPLYING IGN: RANKS: DONATION FEATURES: TIME PLAYED PER DAY: HOW MUCH TIME CAN YOU DONATE FOR WATCHING OVER THE FARM: WHY DO YOU DESERVE THIS: PERKS OF BEING A CO-MAYOR Perms to the farm/mcMMO training come free, no fee to become co-mayor! You keep your profits from the town, meaning if you sell four perms, you keep all the money from the sales! I am currently saving my money for 2 heal signs (80k), a PvP arena (40k), and a warp (40k), donations from the co-mayors/players are greatly appreciated! Thank you and have a nice day!
IGN: Donkey5k RANKS: EcoLeader VIP+ Survivor Pilot DONATION FEATURES: Oh gosh.. Really Knears.. CC+ Hunter+ Spy++ Fly+ Buffer++ Miq++ ExtCommands+ Grenadier+ Pet Wolf Mcmmoplus3 Water+ Multihome Pyro+ Teleport Perfect fit++ Investigator Pet Blaze Nick+ TIME PLAYED PER DAY: 3 Hours+ HOW MUCH TIME CAN YOU DONATE FOR WATCHING OVER THE FARM: 1 hour+ on weekdays 2 hours+ on weekends. WHY DO YOU DESERVE THIS: I am a well known member of the community and I want to get involved with some town projects!
Three 16x176 farms (Melon, pumpkin and sugar cane), then (I forget the approx. sizes) potato, wheat and carrot. As well, there will be an acro trainer and PvP area.