Getting to know each other on EcoCityCraft.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RANDOM2580_, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. RANDOM2580_

    RANDOM2580_ ┳┻┳°σ(^o^)/
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Oct 2, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Copy and paste your answers, I want to know more about you guys!
    (You don't have to answer all the questions, nor is this mandatory)

    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Big Bang Theory
    9. Movie? Toy Story 2
    10. Song? Nice Guys
    11. Tumblr? I rarely use Tumblr
    12. Singer/Band? Imagine Dragons
    13. Memory? Going to Las Vegas. Best.
    14. Book? Ender's Game

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook, don't have Twitter
    18. Movies or Books? Books (The Movies Suck)
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 14
    23. Sign? My signature?
    24. Height? 5'6
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 8.5
    27. Religion? Atheist
    28. Longest relationship? No...
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? I love my life
    30. Second chances? No
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends
    32. Abortion? No
    33. The death penalty? Agreed
    34. Love? I don't care for that at my age

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? I take baths.
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? There are some people that are cool
    39. Still watch cartoons? Tom and Jerry
    40. Like yourself? That's a hard question.
    #1 RANDOM2580_, Oct 10, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  2. clou44

    clou44 Professional Forum Stalker
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    Have you ever:
    1. Skipped class? Yes. Half of college is skipping class :p
    2. Went to Jail? No.
    3. Self harmed? Yes.
    4. Drank? Yes.
    5. Shoplifted? Yes.
    6. Gotten a tattoo? No.
    7. Broken up with someone? Yes.

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? South Park, probably.
    9. Movie? Don't have one.
    10. Song? Don't have one.
    11. Tumblr? Eww.
    12. Singer/Band? Don't have one.
    13. Memory? Can't think of a favorite one.
    14. Book? The Odyssey.

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Neither, I'm allergic to both.
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? I watch movies more often, but I prefer books.
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Eww.

    What's your:
    22. Age? 21
    23. Sign? Cancer
    24. Height? 5'7"
    25. Gender? Female
    26. Shoe size? 8.5
    27. Religion? Prefer not to answer
    28. Longest relationship? About 2.5 years. And counting.

    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Better than death.
    30. Second chances? Always.
    31. Long distance relationships? Aren't easy.
    32. Abortion? Not for me.
    33. The death penalty? Possibly.
    34. Love? Is awesome?

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Yes
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Both.
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Yes
    39. Still watch cartoons? Yes :p
    40. Like yourself? Most days.
  3. clou44

    clou44 Professional Forum Stalker
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 5, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    (Also, I moved the thread to off-topic)
  4. Starleana

    Starleana Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 25, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class?
    With parents permition, yes.
    2. Went to Jail?
    lol nope.
    3. Self harmed?
    A bit.
    4. Drank?
    Just a sip.
    5. Shoplifted?
    6. Gotten a tattoo?
    lol nope.
    7. Broken up with someone?

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show?
    Top shows: Doctor who, Adventure time, Hellsing, and Black Butler.
    9. Movie?
    10. Song?
    I remember by Tristam.
    11. Tumblr?
    12. Singer/Band?
    ummm does monstercat count?
    13. Memory?
    Going to the east cost with my mother and going to camp.
    14. Book?
    Life of Pi.

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly?
    Fly all the way!
    16. Cookies or Cake?
    cookies :3
    17. Twitter or Facebook?
    Dude, I can't choose.
    18. Movies or Books?
    Books for the most part, but movies when I'm lazy.
    19. Coke or Sprite?
    20. Blind or Deaf?
    21. Tea or Coffee?
    oh my god coffee!
    What's your:
    22. Age?
    14 in a few days.
    23. Sign?
    not sure what this means, but for the zodiac sighs I'm Scorpio.
    24. Height?
    5'3.5'' ._.
    25. Gender?
    26. Shoe size?
    27. Religion?
    28. Longest relationship?
    Opinion on:
    29. Life?
    30. Second chances?
    Yes, but no third.
    31. Long distance relationships?
    all the way! I love long distance relationship love stories!
    32. Abortion?
    33. The death penalty?

    34. Love?
    asexual!!! but I love real love stories.

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts?
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed?
    38. Love someone?
    39. Still watch cartoons?
    ofc anime!
    40. Like yourself?

    If you're wondering what asexual means, it means you don't like either sex.
    #4 Starleana, Oct 10, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2013
  5. dgam02

    dgam02 ♫ Shitposting Ex-SA ♫
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 10, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Yup
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Ed, Edd, and Eddy
    9. Movie? Ocean's 11
    10. Song? Hotel California
    11. Tumblr? No
    12. Singer/Band? Eagles/Pearl Jam/Rolling Stones/Chili Peppers
    13. Memory? Living in New York is the life
    14. Book? I dont even know

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook?Twitter
    18. Movies or Books?Movies
    19. Coke or Sprite? Dont drink soda.
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 14
    23. Sign? My signature? Danny Sturridge :)
    24. Height? 5'9
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 12
    27. Religion? Catholic baptised but dont go to church often.
    28. Longest relationship? Its still doing on :3
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Living it well
    30. Second chances? No
    31. Long distance relationships? Only if my GF wants to.
    32. Abortion? Dont care really
    33. The death penalty? Agreed
    34. Love? <3

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Turned away
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Yes
    39. Still watch cartoons? When Star Wars Rebels is released, yes I will be.
    40. Like yourself? Im beautiful :)
  6. JamieSinn

    JamieSinn Retired Lead Administrator/Developer
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 4, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Big Bang Theory / Arrow
    9. Movie? Iron Man 2
    10. Song? Beautiful Life Armin Van Buuren
    11. Tumblr? Nope
    12. Singer/Band? Armin Van Buuren
    13. Memory? Family Vacations, all of them
    14. Book? Ender's Game

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Both, but invis would be really cool
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Twitter, I don't use facebook
    18. Movies or Books? Books
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Blind
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 14, almost 15
    23. Sign? Saggitarius
    24. Height? 6'0 or 5'11
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 13
    27. Religion? Atheist
    28. Longest relationship? :| single always.....
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Entertainment until death
    30. Second chances? Always
    31. Long distance relationships? Never had one
    32. Abortion? Don't care
    33. The death penalty? Agreed
    34. Love? -.- again, single for life

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Both
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? both
    38. Love someone? Family, close friends
    39. Still watch cartoons? Nope
    40. Like yourself? I don't really know....
  7. dork1877

    dork1877 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jul 29, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Y
    2. Went to Jail? N
    3. Self harmed? Y
    4. Drank? Y
    5. Shoplifted? Y
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Y
    7. Broken up with someone? Y

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Falling Skies
    9. Movie? Big
    10. Song? Aphex Twin, Ziggomatic V17
    11. Tumblr? N
    12. Singer/Band? Richard D. James
    13. Memory? Birth of my Son
    14. Book? Neuromancer

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook? FCBK
    18. Movies or Books? Books
    19. Coke or Sprite? Coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 37
    23. Sign? "Leo" but astrology is BS
    24. Height? 5'8
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 9
    27. Religion? Agnostic
    28. Longest relationship? 5 years
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? It's a struggle but its worth it.
    30. Second chances? Once
    31. Long distance relationships? No, if at all possible
    32. Abortion? I don't have a uterus, not my decision
    33. The death penalty? Yes, when justly proven
    34. Love? Possible, but difficult

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Away
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Open
    38. Love someone? My wife
    39. Still watch cartoons? Yes
    40. Like yourself? Yes, but I haven't always.

    _TANSTAAFL EcoLegend
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 21, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? far too often
    2. Went to Jail? no
    3. Self harmed? no
    4. Drank? yes, but not a big drinker
    5. Shoplifted? once, when I was a kid
    6. Gotten a tattoo? no
    7. Broken up with someone? yes

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Star Trek TNG
    9. Movie? Zoolander (too hard to pick just one, but definitely a comedy with Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell)
    10. Song? Orange Crush
    11. Tumblr? what's a tumblr?
    12. Singer/Band? REM
    13. Memory? My wife walking down the aisle.
    14. Book? The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? duh, fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? Homemade chocolate chip walnut cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook? I don't use either
    18. Movies or Books? Books
    19. Coke or Sprite? Diet Coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Blind, hearing is 360 degrees and aids in communication better.
    21. Tea or Coffee? both
    What's your:
    22. Age? 33
    23. Sign? I'm on the cusp between libra and scorpio
    24. Height? 6'1"
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 13
    27. Religion? I pay lip service to Christianity
    28. Longest relationship? 11 years (and counting)
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? I love life
    30. Second chances? I don't think people can change
    31. Long distance relationships? Never, sex is too important
    32. Abortion? In some situations
    33. The death penalty? Needs to apply to more crimes and happen without delay
    34. Love? Love is like oxygen! all you need is love!

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? no
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? facing away
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? closed
    38. Love someone? I love a lot of people.
    39. Still watch cartoons? Yes, I've started watching some anime on youtube.
    40. Like yourself? I love myself, and have a lot of personal pride.
  9. Revanrose6

    Revanrose6 Sith Lord
    ECC Sponsor Resident ⛰️ Ex-EcoLegend ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Gameplay Architect Premium Upgrade

    Dec 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Yes
    2. Went to Jail? No
    3. Self harmed? No
    4. Drank? Yes
    5. Shoplifted? No
    6. Gotten a tattoo? No
    7. Broken up with someone? Yes

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    9. Movie? Nightmare on Elm Street (Original Series)
    10. Song? Remedy by Seether
    11. Tumblr? None
    12. Singer/Band? Nickelback (Judge me I know you will)
    13. Memory? Asking my fiancé to marry me.
    14. Book? Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? Pie
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? Why not both?
    19. Coke or Sprite? Coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 20
    23. Sign? Pieces
    24. Height? 5'3
    25. Gender? Female
    26. Shoe size? 8
    27. Religion? Atheist/Agnostic
    28. Longest relationship? 3 years
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Happy
    30. Second chances? Yes
    31. Long distance relationships? Can work
    32. Abortion? Idc
    33. The death penalty? Yes
    34. Love? Fantastic

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Not really
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? I don't understand that question
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Yes
    39. Still watch cartoons? If South Park and Futurama Count
    40. Like yourself? Most of the time.
    #9 Revanrose6, Oct 10, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  10. JazzBeam

    JazzBeam Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Resident ⚒️

    Jul 28, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? No
    3. Self harmed? No
    4. Drank? Not on purpose, when I was 9 I liked eating chocolates, I bit into a german chocolate, and there was beer inside. It tasted bitter and i hated the taste so much. I basically bitten half the piece and threw the rest away.
    5. Shoplifted? No, and never will.
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Never will.
    7. Broken up with someone? I am in middle school, I haven't dated anybody yet. But I have a close friend that is a girl. She tried to hug me once.

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? NatGeo and some Science shows.
    9. Movie? Avatar, Transformers, Cars, Toy Story, i hate total recall.
    10. Song? Don't have a favorite song, i know many good ones.
    11. Tumblr? Yeah!!!!
    12. Singer/Band? Taylor Swift
    13. Memory? Visiting Suzhou, China
    14. Book? Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ender's Game, Artemis Fowl,

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Ability to fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? I like Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? I feel like a weirdo, I have good social skills at school, but i just started using FaceBook
    18. Movies or Books? Both, but sometimes some books were better than the movies of them.
    19. Coke or Sprite? None
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? No, did you know that 1 in 5 cups of coffee contains stuff that gives you diaherea and stomach ache, but your immune system prevents it.
    What's your:
    22. Age? 12
    23. Sign? My signature? ?
    24. Height? 5,2
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 5.5
    27. Religion? Just starting going to Christian churches.
    28. Longest relationship? Not yet
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? I enjoy life
    30. Second chances? Of Course
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends on how they will respond
    32. Abortion? . . .
    33. The death penalty? No
    34. Love? lol, not yet

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Sometimes both
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Both! sometimes one or other
    38. Love someone? My mom, lol, stuff like that
    39. Still watch cartoons? No, I liked Tom and Jerry alot when I was younger
    40. Like yourself? I have things I am good at and bad at, I believe I can improve, But I do appreciate myself
  11. alpert3925

    alpert3925 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jun 17, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? to much...
    2. Went to Jail? nope
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? yes, not big into it tho
    5. Shoplifted? yes
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? yes

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? suits/burn notice
    9. Movie? step brothers and horrible bosses
    10. Song? noen
    11. Tumblr? nope
    12. Singer/Band? none
    13. Memory? every single day at my camp
    14. Book? hunger games

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? cookies cake is gross
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? Books
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 15
    23. Sign?
    24. Height? 5'4
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 10.5
    27. Religion? no comment
    28. Longest relationship? about a year and a half
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? i like life most days
    30. Second chances? yes
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends how long
    32. Abortion? no comment
    33. The death penalty? Agreed
    34. Love? yes
    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? away
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? yes
    39. Still watch cartoons? of course
    40. Like yourself? On most days
  12. xsamurai1217

    xsamurai1217 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jul 7, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Big Bang Theory
    9. Movie? step up 3
    10. Song? how to love
    11. Tumblr? nope
    12. Singer/Band? AC/DC
    13. Memory? moving to texas
    14. Book? the outsiders

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? fly
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? movies
    19. Coke or Sprite? coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? coffee
    What's your:
    22. Age? 15
    23. Sign?
    24. Height? 5"10
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 11
    27. Religion? ca
    28. Longest relationship? none
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? I love my life
    30. Second chances? yes
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends
    32. Abortion? yes
    33. The death penalty? Agreed
    34. Love? dependent on the girl

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? yes
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? I take baths.
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? dependent on the girl and how the are inside
    39. Still watch cartoons? nope
    40. Like yourself? yes
  13. knears2000

    knears2000 Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Jan 3, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Eyewitness News at 4:30AM, GMA, Big bang theory and South Park
    9. Movie? Inception
    10. Song? Evil Woman by ELO
    11. Tumblr? No
    12. Singer/Band? Mackelmore
    13. Memory? Going to States in Little League and Beating Par Troy East 2012. (They were the 2012 Regional Final Champions and they went to Williamsport). Also, playing golf at Baltusrol Upper (Held the US Open 7 Times) golf course.
    14. Book? Animal Farm

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook? None
    18. Movies or Books? Movies
    19. Coke or Sprite? Coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Neither, but if I had to, deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Coffee
    What's your:
    22. Age? 13
    23. Sign? Aquaris24. Height? 5'7
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 10
    27. Religion? Roman Catholic
    28. Longest relationship? Not in one nor have had one
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Amazing
    30. Second chances? Yes, but as they say "fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, fool me three times, shame on the both of us"
    31. Long distance relationships? Eh, depends
    32. Abortion? No
    33. The death penalty? Its there for a reason
    34. Love? Good thing I guess

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Yes
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Turned away
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Open
    38. Love someone? Yeah, but I don't have the balls to ask her
    39. Still watch cartoons? Tom and Jerry
    40. Like yourself? Most of the time
  14. Harryhaz1

    Harryhaz1 RIP Lava sponge.
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Premium Upgrade

    Jan 16, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Maybe?
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Yep
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? Mhm

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Attack on Titan
    9. Movie? Right now? Now you see me
    10. Song? It changed yesterday, for now it's "ripe and ruin" by alt-j
    11. Tumblr? Dun has a favorite
    12. Singer/Band? >.< can't decide
    13. Memory? See question 12.
    14. Book? Most of mathew Riley's work

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? Why can't we have both?
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 15
    23. Sign? My signature? RAWR!
    24. Height? 190cm?
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 16
    27. Religion? Atheist
    28. Longest relationship? Didn't time it, lost my stopwatch :(
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Glad I have it :p
    30. Second chances? Sure
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends
    32. Abortion? Yes
    33. The death penalty? Yes

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Sure :)
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Why can't we have both
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Who doesn't :p
    39. Still watch cartoons? Anime FTW
    40. Like yourself? I am who I am, and that's that
  15. scottyang1323

    scottyang1323 CATS and President
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Sep 30, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nope
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Never
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? No

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Criminal Minds
    9. Movie? Toy Story 2
    10. Song? Idk really
    11. Tumblr? Dont use tumblr
    12. Singer/Band? Idk again
    13. Memory? Samoa (holy crap that was amazing)
    14. Book? Boys don't cry ( Really good book)

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Flight
    16. Cookies or Cake? Probably cake but depends on what type of cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook, don't have Twitter
    18. Movies or Books? Movies but books are good too
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 15
    23. Sign? Aries
    24. Height? 5'9
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? Cant remember lol
    27. Religion? Atheist
    28. Longest relationship? Nope
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Life is great, do everything you want to do and don't look back to much
    30. Second chances? Yes but depends
    31. Long distance relationships? Depends
    32. Abortion? Pro Choice
    33. The death penalty? Opposed
    34. Love? I don't really care right now but

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Facing shower head
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Maybe
    39. Still watch cartoons? Yep
    40. Like yourself? I guess so
    #15 scottyang1323, Oct 10, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  16. Zedoker

    Zedoker ~|Huggable Ex-GameAdmin & Ex-Tomkfc Lover|~
    ECC Sponsor Tycoon ⛰️⛰️⛰️ Ex-EcoLeader ⚜️⚜️⚜️ Prestige ⭐ I ⭐ Premium Upgrade

    Feb 17, 2013
    Trophy Points:
    Copy and paste your answers, I want to know more about you guys!
    (You don't have to answer all the questions, nor is this mandatory)

    1. Skipped class? Well.... Ill skip this question then..
    2. Went to Jail? Not about that life
    3. Self harmed? No
    4. Drank? Other then a sip of champaign at new years, no
    5. Shoplifted? I dont think so
    6. Gotten a tattoo? If i get to the olympics, sure :p
    7. Broken up with someone? I DIDNT EVEN HAVE A GF YET! :(

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Royal Pains
    9. Movie? Probably Inception... Or is it o.o
    10. Song? Be Alright-Huey Mack
    11. Tumblr? Ugly Belgian Houses (dont ask)
    12. Singer/Band? Lupe Fiasco/Huey Mack
    13. Memory? Hm.... Too many... But probably the incident in my freshman english class (long story short- one kid got completly owned by english teacher.... So badly for 45 straight minutes)
    14. Book? Uh... Steve Jobs

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookie Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Twitter, much more interesting
    18. Movies or Books? Depends on the series.
    19. Coke or Sprite? Pepsi (yes i am one of those)
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? Iced tea

    What's your:
    22. Age? 16
    23. Sign? Leo
    24. Height? 6'3.5 <-- Pff, not that tall
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 11.5
    27. Religion? Non-Religious
    28. Longest relationship? Prior to my previous comment, i had a thing that lasted a week xD

    Opinion on:
    29. Life? YOLO! Well, live life how you want, but remember that you control your future, so dont be stupid with it.
    30. Second chances? Only when needed
    31. Long distance relationships? Yea... Mainly cause of annyonion
    32. Abortion? I could write a book on it. On the fence.
    33. The death penalty? Depends
    34. Love? Dont make it too easy.

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? *looks behind me* lolno
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Alternate to make sure that theres no serial killer behind me
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Always have.
    39. Still watch cartoons? Spongebob
    40. Like yourself? Theres always room to improve. So no.
  17. anvildash

    anvildash Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Mar 1, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Nah *pushes up glasses*
    2. Went to Jail? nope
    3. Self harmed? HELL NAH (I love myself too much)
    4. Drank? pffft nah.... well maybe a little... just tastin
    5. Shoplifted? No
    6. Gotten a tattoo? YEAH! I have an ancor on my bicep! Jk no I have no tatoos
    7. Broken up with someone? Yep

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Big Bang Theory
    9. Movie? too many
    10. Song? There are way too many to choose from
    11. Tumblr? Nope
    12. Singer/Band? Imagine Dragons, Hedley
    13. Memory? Secret
    14. Book? Maze Runner Trilogy

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook? I don't social network
    18. Movies or Books? Books
    19. Coke or Sprite? Sprite
    20. Blind or Deaf? Deaf
    21. Tea or Coffee? blaggg I hate both... I guess coffee with lots of sugar and cream :)
    What's your:
    22. Age? 16
    23. Sign? rawr
    24. Height? rawr
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? um... why?
    27. Religion? None, I respect all religious views and find the notions of them facinating though I do not believe in any of them
    28. Longest relationship? too long
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? My life to great!
    30. Second chances? Depends
    31. Long distance relationships? Maybe
    32. Abortion? on the fence
    33. The death penalty? NO! People who committ terrible crimes should rot in jail so they can remeber for the rest of their lives what they did. Death is like giving them a way out of a lifetime of misery
    34. Love? Tis a good thing

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? No
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? um... both... why?
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Love is a strong word... crushes I'll say
    39. Still watch cartoons? loony tunes... I'M GUILTY OK!
    40. Like yourself? I do not like myself... I LOVE MYSELF
  18. Olovice

    Olovice Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Jun 27, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? Once.
    2. Went to Jail? Never
    3. Self harmed? Daily
    4. Drank? Never
    5. Shoplifted? Nope
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Nope
    7. Broken up with someone? Yes

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Avatar the last Airbender. :3
    9. Movie? Waking Life
    10. Song? Three little birds by Bob Marley
    11. Tumblr? Eh
    12. Singer/Band? Bob Marley
    13. Memory? The day my brother returned from the navy. Woke me up in the middle of the night after not seeing me for five years.
    14. Book? Harry Potter (whole series)

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cookies
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
    18. Movies or Books? Books, the movies are never as good as the books. Ever.
    19. Coke or Sprite? Coke
    20. Blind or Deaf? Blind
    21. Tea or Coffee? Coffee
    What's your:
    22. Age? 14
    23. Sign? Scorpio
    24. Height? 6 ' 3"
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 13
    27. Religion? Christian
    28. Longest relationship? Two months, and it was my only one.
    Opinion on:
    29. Life? Life is simply the first step in our adventure as souls.
    30. Second chances? Never. Do it right the first time or you aren't worth my time.
    31. Long distance relationships? Nope.
    32. Abortion? No
    33. The death penalty? All the way.
    34. Love? I find it important, but also fake.

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Funny, I have a weird view on the topic of ghosts. But it would take me a while to explain and it would be very complicated. I would have to explain the string theory, etc. If you want to know about it, message me.
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Depends on the mood.
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? Yes, but I know that it isn't possible so I have given up on trying to make it true.
    39. Still watch cartoons? I occasionally turn on Spongebob just to bring me back to my childhood.
    40. Like yourself? Nope.
  19. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
    Resident ⛰️ Ex-Tycoon ⚜️⚜️⚜️

    Nov 18, 2012
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? I once skipped my off period and went to class #yolo
    2. Went to Jail? No
    3. Self harmed? NO
    4. Drank? Yes. Homecoming parties. Wicked fun
    5. Shoplifted? Never needed to
    6. Gotten a tattoo? Not yet
    7. Broken up with someone? Twice

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? HIMYM
    9. Movie? I don't even know
    10. Song? Right now, You Make Me - Avicii
    11. Tumblr? No
    12. Singer/Band? Avicii
    13. Memory? Macklemore concert with mah homies
    14. Book? Catcher in the Rye
    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake
    17. Twitter or Facebook? FB
    18. Movies or Books? Movies, don't have enough attention span
    19. Coke or Sprite? Give a little love. Coke over everything
    20. Blind or Deaf? Blind
    21. Tea or Coffee? Tea
    What's your:
    22. Age? 16
    23. Sign? what?
    24. Height? 6'0"
    25. Gender? Male
    26. Shoe size? 12
    27. Religion? Zoroastrian/Pastafarian
    28. Longest relationship? 2 months
    Opinion on:
    29. Life?You only live once
    30. Second chances? More or less
    31. Long distance relationships? How far?
    32. Abortion? touchy subject
    33. The death penalty? Not if there's any possibility of innocence
    34. Love? My friends don't call me Ted Moseby for nothing

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Yes
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Facing
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Closed
    38. Love someone? I am madly in love with Ariana Grande
    39. Still watch cartoons? never too old
    40. Like yourself? What's not to like?
  20. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    1. Skipped class? No.
    2. Went to Jail? No.
    3. Self harmed? No.
    4. Drank? Couple sips of ~5% hard apple cider. So..not really?
    5. Shoplifted? No.
    6. Gotten a tattoo? No. But I want one. And will get one. Or more...
    7. Broken up with someone? No.

    What's your favorite:
    8. Show? Doctor Who
    9. Movie? Kung Fu Panda
    10. Song? N/A (I don't have a favorite.)
    11. Tumblr? Favorite Tumblr..user? None.
    12. Singer/Band? N/A
    13. Memory? When Luuk (Kuke) visited in September..
    14. Book? Vampire Academy (series)

    This or that:
    15. Invisibility or Ability to fly? Invisibility.
    16. Cookies or Cake? Cake.
    17. Twitter or Facebook? Twitter.
    18. Movies or Books? Movies.
    19. Coke or Sprite? Neither... (Sprite)
    20. Blind or Deaf? Mute!
    21. Tea or Coffee? Iced tea.

    What's your:
    22. Age? 19
    23. Sign? Pisces / Dog
    24. Height? 5'3.75"
    25. Gender? Biologically...? Female. Mentally/identity, no-gender.
    26. Shoe size? US Womens 7.5
    27. Religion? N/A
    28. Longest relationship? December 20, 2012 -> present (as of this post, Oct. 10, 2013)

    Opinion on:
    29. Life? It could be better, it could be worse...
    30. Second chances? Sometimes.
    31. Long distance relationships? In one presently.
    32. Abortion? All for it - but it is a person's own choice and no one should force them to, or not to, do it.
    33. The death penalty? Depends.
    34. Love? yes pls

    Do you:
    35. Believe in ghosts? Yes
    36. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it? Both.
    37. Sleep with the door opened or closed? Both.
    38. Love someone? kukelekuuk00 <3
    39. Still watch cartoons? Once in a while.
    40. Like yourself? I'm content with myself most of the time.