Get Rid Of Trolls/Scammers

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TheN00BISHPanda, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. TheN00BISHPanda

    TheN00BISHPanda Builder
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    Jun 1, 2013
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    Thread Title:

    Get rid of trolls and scammers

    Minecraft Name:


    I am suggesting to get rid of trolls and scammers. Let's start off with trolls first. Trolls. They are annoying, ignorant, and just pathetic. They hurt the server way to much to let them stay. First sign of a troll, ban them. No "okay guys let's stop" or "Please stop trolling". They get 1 warning and it's a kick saying "Stop Trolling Now. This is your first and last warning". Then the next time just ban them. They are annoying and piss everyone off.

    Now let's get to scammers. They ruin the economy and have no respect for anyone or anything. When an active complaint or multiple complaints (around 2 to 3) on one person, ban them from selling/buying/taking loans etc. (Just ban them from chatting) until the complaint is dealt with.

    ALSO! When a user is perma-banned or something like that, ban their IP please. Even if it's a regular ban for harassment, people get lazy and just use an alt account and then cause MORE trouble.

    I cannot stress these things enough and quite frankly the amount of trolling and scamming has been starting to piss me off and it has definitely been pissing off others.

    Possibly just get rid of alt accounts:
    I understand siblings play on the same IP. Just confirm before you take action. For myself I have an alt account that I sometimes play with on this server and I wouldn't really care if it gets banned. (This is kind of a bad suggestion about alts but I am seriously just fed up with all of this)


    It's obvious, there have been wayyy to many scams, trolls, and bypassing bans lately.

    Other Information:

    Please at least add something! It doesn't have to be these but something needs to be done.

    Link to this plugin:
    #1 TheN00BISHPanda, Dec 29, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2014
  2. ryry07

    ryry07 Builder
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    Feb 27, 2014
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    There should be only 1 chance for scammers, and they should have to pay back xtra. Second time perm ban/ ipban/ forum banned. All money in balance giving to scammed players and then all possessions givin to scammed playersplayers
  3. AdmiralD

    AdmiralD IsleTradingCo
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    Jul 26, 2013
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    I will say that this suggestion is probably a little too harsh for the server owners and administration from what I have seen, though I would be the first to say that trolling and scamming is by far the worst since I have been on the server.
    Trolls - there does seem to be a system in place - first a warning, then a stern warning, then a very stern warning, then a severely very stern warning - I am not sure what comes after that but eventually they will get a 1 day temp ban if they keep it up - I find ignore works wonders.
    Scamming - I agree that it would be great if there was some sort of muting or temp ban system that would not allow them to mass scam like we have seen lately. Also remember that scams are a huge part of the ECC economy and not likely to be discouraged any time soon.
    I would love to see a forum sticky that requires all alt accounts or shared IP to be announced before even being played or face an immediate ban. I personally have been very open about my children that play though we are typically on different IP's we do play on the same one sometimes. I have no alt accounts. One problem with this is that I feel that many long time players have had these alt accounts for quite a while and they do not want them to be public knowledge. I feel that we should all know who we are dealing with since if I don't want to deal with player A, I don't want to deal with Player A playing as Player B either.
  4. BuyLowSeIIHigh

    BuyLowSeIIHigh Builder
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    Dec 8, 2014
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    @AdmiralD Economic growth doesn't stand on thieves, scams and schemes, it stands on population, production and credit growth. I see what you are saying, giving this is not a real economy. For ECC to stay, it needs to constantly grow (or take out money via scams). Dev's can't directly stimulate production, it would have little effect here anyways. But they can raise the population. Maybe get a little more active out there and stop looking at scam as a way to keep the economy going. This may have serious pullbacks, especially given a) the population is on the rise (it looks like atm it is), and b) scamming with alt accounts is as easy as taking a candy from a kid.
  5. steveshizzle

    steveshizzle Resident
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    Nov 18, 2012
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    The issue I have with this is that you seem to lump all of the server's players into one of two categories of people: trolls/scammers and innocent bystanders. You assume that everything is either black or white and it's not, there's a trillion shades of grey area in between.

    What I'm getting at is that you're seemingly equating minor infringements with major ones, scamming $1 million is just as heinous as scamming $1. R/O trolls and harassers are the same as just someone harmlessly joking around. It's pretty totalitarian and if we did this, there would be almost nobody left on the server, because everyone would be banned.