Hey guys, recently I inherited a town from @GoddessLaverna and it was a town full of lwcs and half built buildings. But I fixed it up and it is quite decent now!. Unfortuantly the original owner was banned and so there for I can not buy a town portal. But I thought I'd make a town thread with info on it. Current Town owners: 1. Town owner: Slayer_boy_2000 2.Deputy owner: @alfionator 3. Head co-owner: 4. Deputy head co-owner: @monkeyBUTT244 5.Co-owner: @PandaBandit9 6.Co-owner: @TimmyChoi Town members: @kimi2QT @Awesomekdan @_chocolate__ @EnAkKKK @ewoker @gobby00 @jcowg33661 @shayshay27 @jondavid2002 @PandaBandit9 @RefluxPower @SonTzu @sulfra @londonben @cheer1221 @noscraft @Halle2007 @Flameblade2001 Town prices: 1. 10x10 plots: 2k 2. 20x20 plots: 4k 3.30x30 plots(Rarely):6k 4. Mall rooms: 5k or 1k a week 5. Market plots: $500 a week or 2.5k 6. 10x10 prebuilts: 4k 7. 20x20 prebuilts: 6k 8. 30x30 prebuilts(Not built yet): 9k 9.Farm perms: 3.5k Current and to be town features: 1. Sugarcane farm-98% complete 2. Coco bean farm-90% complete 3. Pumpkin farm-100% complete 4.Melon farm-0% complete 5.Wheat farm-0% complete 6.Netherwart farm-40% complete 7.Genius info center-0% complete 8.Tree farm-100% complete 9.Genius Storage warehouse-60% complete (Interior to do) Code: [/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)] [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)] [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)][CENTER]Residency application[/CENTER] [CENTER]In-game name: Age: What plot or prebuilt size: Rank: Features: Other info?: Code: [/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)] [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)] [CENTER][COLOR=rgb(255, 166, 77)] [CENTER][COLOR=#ffa64d][CENTER] Co-owner application In-game name: Age: Rank(Must be resident+): Features: What can you bring to the town: What co-owner rank do you want: Any other info: Donations are really appreciated and would be greatly accepted. If you want to donate please /pm Slayer_boy_2000 or /pm @alfionator. Bye!!
@Slayer_boy_2000 - You should be able to claim the town now thru the town claim system - either you getting Tycoon, or possibly buying a town claim from another player.
Update: Dear GeniusTown followers, I have decided that GeniusTown is for sale. This is because I have to many projects going on in ecc. /pm if ya want to look around