My Suggestion is simple, ban threads that go by "count to x before x posts", look at the amount of threads and their reply count. It is literally a waste of space on the forums for them, and people just boost their post count by using these.
Err, excuse me but count to threads are forum games. That's a game correct? Therefore, why shouldn't it be there? They're still played like any other game and I have nothing against them. They have just as much right to be there as any other game. -1
Posting a number is not much of a game. However I don't think they should be banned. They should just not count towards your total posts. People get way too many posts on these things and then brag about how they have loads of posts
That is literally the dumbest argument I've ever read. If I pm you an IP of another server, does saying "you didn't have to look at it" justify me? "Count to" games are stupid. They're not even games, counting is not a game! It requires no skill, no mental strain, or thought whatsoever, unless you really have to think to figure out what comes after 26. People don't play these to have fun, they do it to rack up posts. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. The spam has gotten out of control, and I seriously doubt that the two people that will argue to keep these will be so terribly hurt by their removal. God forbid, you actually have to say something meaningful now instead of posting a number every 6 seconds. +1 - actually no, why don't we count up the +1's? +2
There is literally nothing wrong with them and his argument is better then any argument you provided here so GG M8!
Nice little fine print m8 There is nothing wrong with them and it's still a game. I enjoy counting to reach a goal with my friends to beat a certain rank or person.
I'm going to stop before this turns into a flame thread. You obviously have intentions to do such as that. So, I'm going to unwatch and stop posting here. Goodbye.
If you guys can have a discussion without flaming each others, that pretty much includes everyone who has posted within this thread, i advise you to stop posting. @Danielman33 you don't have to publically tell people when your ignoring them, sounds like your trying to get a reaction, please stop. ----- Anyways I agree that posting games are a little frustrating as I am trying to look through minecraft and ECC discussion to find the first page covered in games. However I think removing them is a little over the top. Someone mentioned before that we should stop post count within the forum games area. I am +1 this idea. Why? Because you can still have fun if you like posting within the game but you are not gaining post count for simply 1 word posts which arent really relevant to the ECC experience. But i certainly wouldn't get rid of them entirely.
+1. I have noticed a lot of post boosting via the forum games lately. I do not think this falls under "having fun and playing a game".
I personally have some forum game posts, and wouldn't mind them being removed from the total post count. (I'm even in the picture, Hi Mom!)
Come to think of it. Forum games do seem to be a waste or space and kinda just grind forum posts +1 sorry @Vintage_Gamer Idk waht I was thinking when I posted before