Alright ladies and gentle frogs its time for me to help you all out with a bunch of helpful tips on how to take your tiny farm from making 200 an hour to making 20,000 an hour. Here we go Tip # 1. Having a problem with your seeds magically popping out of the soil on there own? Solution is simple, create a row of glows tone blocks every other 2 blocks or so on your ceiling in the middle or off to the side of your crop and problem solved Tip # 2. Not sure how much water you should be adding? Solution is simple, for a crop to grow it must have water atleast 4 blocks from it on the same level. WOW that's meens for a square of 8 you only need 1 block of water!! Tip# 3. Are you buildin your farm in a taiga zone and your water keeps turning back to ice Just throw some light in that farm and watch the ice melt back to water! Wow!! Tip # 4. Here is a problem I hear alot, Assajj I have light in my farm and my crops still won't grow I have water to!!? Well here's the thing, if you till your land before adding water it will always dry out Make sure to add water then till and wait for hydration to set in Here is a list of crops that I like to grow! 1- wheat 2- pumpkins ( which need 0 light to grow) 3- carrots 4- nether warts ( which do not need water ) 5- potatoes Hope these tips help you guys <3
I don't quite understand how understanding these basic mechanics can increase your income of farming by 100 times, but I'll take your word for it.
you don't need water to farm pumpkins/melons. The best thing to do is to have a 30X30X30 melon farm, with the following layout without water SEED CROP CROP SEED SEED CROP CROP SEED SEED CROP CROP SEED, etc you will be able to farm endlessly then.
32x32x30 on the border of a chunk I think would be best because the crops would always be growing, though I'm not sure and it's not a huge difference
These are basic tips for builders guys, it wasn't meant to go super in depth, and without knowing these basic steps you can never have a 200x200 farm that works well.
might be better, not sure. i just choose 30x30 because its a common plot size that people sell in towns