I'm wondering what level of automation you can have in a farm. I understand the fully auto ban. Normally I would build a farm that uses water to harvest but you have to manually replant, is that inside or outside the server rules? Just looking to clarify before I invest any time building and totally not wanting to get a ban for not understanding. Thanks
Yes, you can use water that harvests plants as long as it's not automated replanting. Putting dispensers above a cocoa bean farm to harvest them, but you replanting them after **is** allowed.
This is legal. Any device that automatically harvests and replants is considered fully automatic and is illegal, so if you have to replant after the device harvests the farm then that is fine. In addition, you cannot use any sort of account automation (such as macros) to harvest for you while you are afk. And yes, what @Drewbo_ said basically sums it up, you can't legally make money while a redstone device, macro script, or any other sort of automation plants and harvests your farm.
Thanks that clears things up nicely and my Redstone skills are limited at most. As for macros I've only ever used them in photography Thank you for your help all