IGN: Krobkins Town name: Zulushopping Position within town: Are you mayor or co-mayor of the town? Co-Mayor Players who are being evicted: Tag all members that are being evicted here @Cardinal3 @huntmeister97 @LegitSoljaSweg @Vanquish12P @chanimeryl @Jtslaughter822 @NinjaSteve13 @pielover1237 Do the above players need to remove their LWCs? Yes/No (If Yes, this eviction notice will allow the town mayor/co-mayor to request the above players’ LWCs to be removed) Yes Reason for evicting the above users: Why are you evicting the users? @miner1975 and I recently bought this town and believe it has been quite inactive for some time and we want to turn it into something totally different. Cardinal3, huntmeister97, legitsoljasweg and vanquish12p are co/mayors and I will also be notifying them ingame.