IGN: goblizz Town name: onyxcity Position within town: Owner, Mayor Players who are being evicted: All of the following: @adamjsams @AubreyBlue @Awesome690 @battlefield3kid @blade2277 @bmanvman @bpjet @brandon9436 @brisalsa @bryan525 @ChargerBoltz5 @cjgrupe @coltdog2001 @coolman450 @CreeperNinja1049 @DaBunanaMon @Epicbuilder2255 @FamexInfinity @GeriatricGeezer @happnat @HappyPsych0 @Hiccabup @JRex64 @messbargerb @mohalopro20 @mooshroom363 @natha134 @noahnoah2222 @occirex @oRON647 @pcbubblegum18 @pikachubunny33 @polomint82 @quickdraw7777 @ReDnAx1991 @rhyschalmers @RickTheRuler @robbylastname @rollsicy @SkyRock42 @Swiftclaw @tombo967 @trex8756 @underlord123 @Vortlex @WestsideWarriors @WhiteTiger10 @Woodbury3 @woodchuck314159 @Za_Salsa @zbomb55 Do the above players need to remove their LWC?: If applicable, please do so. Reason for evicting the above users: Remodeling town with the possibility of a sale. Players without forum accounts will be mailed in game with screenshots, if possible. Many are not on /seen, therefore cannot be mailed.
I went to the town, I couldn't find any locks of mine. If you can could you please post the cords of where my chests are. Rhys Chalmers EcoCityCraft User
I don't think you have any, I remember you removing them a while back. Would you like to be removed then?
Perms cleared for the people who did not respond. If you have things that I find in the town, I will PM you. Thanks for your cooperation, and feel free to PM with any concerns or questions with regards to what I am going to do with the town.