Minecraft Username: Sneaky_Cat Brief Description: /cremoveall doesn't work on skyblock. Instructions: Command "/cremoveall", /lwc to find list of commands. How many times did you recreate this?: 3 Result: Response makes it look like it works, but it doesn't. Expected Result: The removal of all lwc's on the Skyblock server. Evidence: imgur.
/cremoveall died years ago. Unless it was fixed on main and I am unaware, the last I heard (some time ago) was that it is gone for good.
Then it should be removed from the help list. Edit* But also, if you leave an inactive users island to start your own. Then how are you to get back to said island to remove your locks.
/cremoveall is broken on SkyBlock's LWC. SkyBlock is on lockdown for the most part regarding it's plugin until a 1.13.2 update in 2019. /cremoveall on the other hand does work on the City server. (At least I believe it does, someone should test who doesn't have many protections). EDIT: Just tested, /cremoveall on City works fine