Minecraft Name:bobman3355 Suggestion: Enforce lottery team scamming. Reason: It is just like any other in-game agreement yet for some reason the server doesn't enforce it. After personally being scammed a few times and having a lot of people i know get scammed it seems like a logical rule to add. It would be easy to enforce just like any loan or buying of goods if someone provides a screen shot of the initial agreement with the player then them buying tickets and then the other person winning then it would be easy to enforce. Other Information: Nope Link to this plugin: No plugins needed
Won't happen. Just like PvP, there are too many complications, along with the fact there would be many instances of bending this rule.
How would it be hard at all? Simply take screenshot with time stamp, then if/when they win do it again. Easy.
What happens if winnings aren't covered because of taxes? What happens if the user goes offline? What happens if the user has too many lottery teams? ectectect
Regardless of winnings they still should split profits as agreed. They pay when they can, or get in trouble. Make a rule to only have one team at a time, if they find some one is teaming with more than one group not teamed together they get punished. Not hard to do really.
No, just no. Because I win $500k, I don't have to give it to my "team". Morally yes, I should. In the long run, hella no. I'm taking that money and running and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
Lottery teams cannot be enforced because it's a deal based on chance, not based on an agreement for an item/object that can never change. -1
so pretty much what ur saying is u would lotto scam? that pretty much just as bad as loan scamming except its legal
+1 Well if 2 people make a contract to split the winnings on a lotto if they both play, then they should have to follow that.
I have shown that your points are easy to enforce though. Chance or not, it is easy to enforce. It's not chance whether you have an agreement or not, an agreement to split winnings IF they win is easy to enforce and is an agreement.
Also enforcing lotto teaming will be nearly impossible as there is no definition of a lotto team. I would also note that lottoteaming is a terrible idea.
its terrible if u do it with random people i usually do it with my close friends and they pay be back all the time