I found this amazing mod that allowes you to download a servers map, and I was wondering, is this allowed for ecc, the only problem I would be able to think of is people ore hunting in creative, and saving the co-odds Link to mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/144 ... oader-mod/ Link to video about mod: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atHKlDeKsug
I-_- still, how would you moderate this... And besides, if you watch the video it becomes increasingly clear that you need to be in a chuck for it to download, so unless the person has fly or speed.. Also, I'm sure people can use this for good! I already have a good idea for a video at spawn... : what happens when Andrewkm has a bad day
The problem I can think of is copyright. Andrewkm owns the server so therefore the map, I believe. So it really up to him.
really? I don't think copyright would come into play unless another server used the map on there server and claimed it as there own-_-' and if copyright was a factor, wouldn't it be mojang who would have the rights?
yea, I agree, but if we got technical, it would most likely be mojang since there providing the map generator, and platform
It would not be allowed specifically for the x-ray ability type of reasons already stated. Our rules clearly forbid anyone from using any type of mod that will give you an unfair advantage which this certainly would for ore hunting. If your caught digging holes straight to diamond or you're flagged for mining an extraordinary number of diamonds in a short time span you will of course be banned. The second problem falls somewhat under copyright because it would certainly cause some problems if you downloaded the map and then tried to open up a cloned MP server and tried to attract users and donations. RagMan
I have heard the mod is buggy and most likely causes issues with the jar. A lot of these mods these days are junk. As rag said there is no way to regulate mods, however if you are caught using it to find ores then you will be banned for xray anyway. Not sure what if any, advantages the mod would have other then that.
World Downloader is allowed, because using it to find ores will follow the same patterns as Xrayers and those people WILL be banned quickly.
Alot. If we had thought of doing this on our first server map we wouldn't of lost the entire beginning history of ECC outside of a few screenshots.
It would be who ever owns the server cause take an example. You write a letter on Microsoft word, Microsoft own word but you own the letter you wrote cause you wrote it. lol
i think you can somewhat copyright a map since when you downloada vechs map it comes with a copyright note Spoiler Users are free (and encouraged) to create videos of the MAPS and share the videos online, using websites such as YouTube. Users are also free to include advertisements and monetize their videos of my maps. Watching people play my maps is by far the best way for me to learn how to make better maps. If you have made video's or LP's (Let's Play series) of my maps, then thank you very much! TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAP (MAPS, plural) - Data that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove game content. MOJANG - Mojang AB OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MAP. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MAP despite use of MOJANG code. USER - End user of the map, person installing the map. THESE MAPS ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITH NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. THE OWNER OF THESE MAPS TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THESE MAPS. ALL DAMAGES CAUSED FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THESE MAPS FALL ON THE USER. Use of these MAPS to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction. These MAPS may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of these MAPS must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of these MAPS (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation. These MAPS are provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of these MAPS require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms. "Super Hostile", "Victory Monument", "Super Docile", "Hostile Trails", the "Vechs'" brand and "Race for Wool" are Trademarked (TM)(2011) by the author. The MAPS herein and the character "Vechs" are Copyright ?(2011) and are the intellectual property of the author (Vechs).