Minimum Loan - 25k Max Loan - 1,250k (max loan amount may change from time to time) ~Loan amount and Interest~ 50k under = 5% interest 75k and under = 7.5% interest 100k and under = 10% interest 101k and above = 15% interest 500k and above = 25% interest 1 mil and above = 35% interest (some exceptions apply) ~Loan Time~ 1 week = +0% 2 weeks = +5% 3 weeks = +10% 4 weeks = +12.5% For every day past your due date 10k is added to you debt. This will cap at 7 days max. If loan has not been paid since 7 days after your original due date a complaint may be filed. Requirements No previous bans for loan scamming must have at least - Mayor rank or a supporter tag (may have some exceptions) Must provide how you will pay this loan back. Must have a reliable way of making money Application What is your in game name? How much would you like to loan? How long would you like the money for? How do you plan to pay the money back? Have you been banned for loan scamming? Do you agree to the requirements stated? (You can also find me in game for a loan)
Current Loans None ATM ________________________________________________________________________________ Loans paid back CJZ2016 - 356k FollowerJesus - 200k Koko_2022 - 310k