Delucaco's "Enchanted" Emporium Here at DEE, we provide you with a large variety of enchanted books, armour, weapons and tools at affordable prices. We can provide you with these items quickly and without any trouble whilst keeping up stock. We also buy a variety of enchanted books and tools, such as unb3 picks, axes, shovels, thorns books of all levels and unbreaking books of all levels. We will pay a decent price for everything listed above to be fair to our customers. *Special of the week* This week, to celebrate us opening, we have a deal on Silk Touch I books! Price: $5,000, $4,000 *Special Deals* Green= In stock, Red= Out of stock Ready for PvP pack: Full Prot IV, sharp V, fire II, kb II sword, power V bow! - $25,000! *Look, I can shoot a bow* pack: Power V bow, 2 stacks of arrows - $2,500! *10 Misc. Books Pack* Get 10 random books, straight from the DEE vault - $6,000! Armour Full set of Protection IV armour, includes helmet, chest, legs and boots - $12,500! Individual Protection IV pieces; helmet, chest, legs or boots - $3,500! Full set of Blast/Fire/Projectile Protection IV armour, includes helmet, chest, legs and boots - $9,000! Individual Blast/Fire/Projectile Protection IV pieces; helmet, chest, legs or boots - $2,500! Weapons Sharp V Diamond Sword - $5,000! Sharp V, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II Diamond Sword - $10,000! Sharp V Diamond Axe - $5,000! Tools "Pumpkin Axe" (Efficiency V, Unb III Diamond Axe) - $10,000! Efficiency V, Unb III Silk I Diamond Pickaxe - $11,000! Efficiency V, Unb III Fortune III Diamond Pickaxe - $11,000! Efficiency V, Unb III Diamond Shovel - $9,000! Efficiency V, Unb III, Silk I Shears - $12,500! "Melon Sword" (Efficiency V, Unb III Silk Diamond Sword) - $525,000! Books I also sell a variety of books, without a set price, I will compromise a list of them below: Power 1-5 Sharpness 1-5 Efficiency 1-5 Feather Falling 2-4 Thorns 1-3 Unbreaking 1-3 Smite 2-5 Bane of Arthropods 2-5 Aqua Affinity Respiration 1-3 If you would like to request for an item to be added, either PM me on the forums, or mail me in-game, if you would like to purchase something, either comment on this thread, or mail me in-game. -Delucaco
Can I trade you my eff5 umb3 st1 dpick for the eff5 umb3 fort3 dpick? I might be able to give you some cash along with the trade. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk