Dear ECC Staff, I love this server, and I wanted to buy multihome/plus, but since this server allows players to ask admins or other player to buy with real money the perk, and the one, who asked pays them the ECC Dollars worth. I asked Mista_J to buy for me on 06-30-2013, ur policy says maximum 2 days for process. I ask him if he bought, he said yes, then later says no he didn't buy it. I would like to have my 75k, that I paid him to buy it, back. Here is one screenshot of him asking for the money upfront
Hello, 2 things: 1) the correct format is as follows: Felon Name: Complaint: Evidence: Additional Info:2) Here is the tutorial on uploading screenshots: I will be locking this complaint. Please file a new one once you can add the screenshots and use the correct format. Revanrose6 Complaint Dismissed - Wrong Format/No Evidence