This isn't really a goal post anymore, it's now a thread that I'm using to keep track of various types of things. Donation Features Teleport - Purchased for $20.00 USD Teleport+ - Purchased for $18.00 USD (10% Off Sale) Multihome - Purchased for $15.00 USD Multhome+ - Purchased for $67,500 ECD (10% Off Sale) Water - Purchased for $75,000 ECD Pyro/Pyro+ - Puchased for $30 USD Fly/Speed - Purchased for $50 USD + $25,000 ECD (10% Off Sale) ExtCreations - Purchased for $175,000 ECD ExtCommands - Purchased for $45 USD (10% Off Sale) ExtCommands+ - Purchased for $45 USD (10% Off Sale) /Back - Purchased for $105,000 ECD CompleteControl++ - Purchased for $255,000 ECD Buffer and Spy - Purchased using ECD Buffer+ and Buffer++ - Purchased for $230,000 ECD Spy++ - Purchased using ECD To-Buy List Backpack ($15 USD) Investigator ($100 USD) McMMOPlus ($20-$40-$60 USD) Pet Ocelot ($15 USD) Teleport++ ($20 USD) Towns and Properties CizFarms - 200x200 Omega - 200x200 Sigma - 200x200 TritonFarms - 200x200 Dowyn - 200x200 interstellafishtank - 104x134 Ranks and Applications Resident Application - March 18th 2013 - Survivor Application - July 19th 2013 - Mayor/Town Application - July 31st 2013 - President Application - January 23rd 2015 - Useful Threads Town Portal Directory - OnSceneReporter - Market Directory - OnSceneReporter - World Map - OnSceneReporter - Staff Guidebook - Blowtube123 - Star Tool List - Dccciz - Application Archives - Blowtube123 -
Updated it as much as I can right now without logging back on, It takes forever for my computer to start minecraft.
Now get President and the Expensive Rare Ecc Medal and then I think you will have accomplished a LOT! <---
My next goals are to finish off buying my melon sword, get extcommands+, multihome+ and start a vault.