These loans are to help you in financial matters. I ONLY offer loans for those who are wondering! I am currently only loaning 10k or less out to users that meet my standards sorry Loan conditions: 1.Must have rank resident/Mayor/president/tycoon/ecoleader/ecomaster in order to apply.UNLESS you have donated and do not have the balance to rank-up. 2.You can not be in debt or have any record of scamming to receive a loan. 3.If you scam me I will not hesitate to file a complaint for scamming. This is what you need to follow if you are to apply: IGN: Are you in debt now: If yes by how much: Have you ever scammed a user on ECC: How much do you want: How long will it take you in order to pay me back: What will the money be used for: Evidence shows that you can and you will pay the money(rank, features, the way you make money etc.): I do not assure that your application will be approved even if you meet all the requirement. Do you agree: I will be charging an interest fee of 10% to all of my customers! NOT DOING BUSINESS ATM!