IGN: @BigB_Man Users Involved in this Contract: @slvrplme @BigB_Man General Purpose of Contract: Safe sale of melon sword on a payment plan, totaling 755k. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: I @BigB_Man Agree to give @slvrplme the melon sword named "Yung Mula" in exchange for a $500,000 down payment within 5 minutes of the contract being approved and $255,000 by January 5th, 2015 weeks or less. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: @slvrplme agrees to pay $500,000 down payment within 5 minutes of the contract being approved and $255,000 in exchange for the melon sword named "Yung Mula" by January 5th, 2015 weeks or less. If @slvrplme does not pay the $255,000 by January 5th, 2015, then a late fee of $50,000 will be charged for 2 weeks. If @slvrplme fails to do so, I @BigB_Man will file a complaint. @slvrplme agrees to pay $50,000 at a time into trade signs, 5 times, and 5k seperetly. Signs will be located at x: -8768 , y: 64 and 63 , z: 10658 through x: -8768 , y: 64 and 63 , z: 10654 in legacy in the town of southerncali. I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: Yes
IGN: @slvrplme I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: Yes.
@BigB_Man Can you please make specific time frames for after contract events? ex: "User A will give user B a melon sword within 1 hour of this contracts acceptance" and respectively: "User Z will make a down payment of 500k within 10 minutes of receiving the sword" times do not have to be identical, just an example. @slvrplme please agree again after the changes are made.
IGN: @slvrplme I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: Yes.
Contract Accepted! Locked and Approved. remember to take time stamp screenshots by double tapping f2.