IGN: @Matejake Users Involved in this Contract: @averygaymom General Purpose of Contract: Creation of a new town and transfer to @Matejake in exchange for EcoDollars. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: Term A-1: I, @Matejake , will pay $85,000 to @averygaymom within 24 hours of contract approval. Term A-2: I, @Matejake , will provide @averygaymom with the town name, town coordinates, town world, and town size posted below. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: Term B-1: @averygaymom will publish a Mayor application within 1 hour of receiving $85,000 from @Matejake . The town will be as stated below: Name: Goldfarms World: Rising Size: 200x200 Post A: X: -9154 Y: 66 Z: 5795 Post B: X: -9154 Y: 67 Z: 5595 Post C: X: -8954 Y: 81 Z: 5595 Post D: X: -8954 Y: 81 Z: 5795 Term B-2: @averygaymom will add @Matejake as an owner to the newly created town within 24 hours after the Mayor application has been handled and locked. This can be done with /rg ao Goldfarms Matejake Term B-3: @averygaymom will remove himself as an owner from the newly created town immediately after fulfilling the term B-2. This can be done with /rg ro Goldfarms averygaymom Term B-4: @averygaymom officially waives all rights to the newly created town. This term's validity will never cease once the term B-3 has been fulfilled. Term B-5: @averygaymom will use the sign in the image to pay his part of the contract (35k) before the 15th of August comes over. World where it's placed: Rising. This is made in order to create the town sooner, as the purpose of the contract is @Matejake paying 50k and @averygaymom paying 35k, but he is not able yet to introduce that amount, so I'll pay the 100% of his application and then he will return back his 35k part. Term B-6: @averygaymom will apply for any town features @Matejake wants done, @Matejake will provide all funds for said town features, untill the time a town ownership transfer takes place. This term expires when the contract has already been accepted for 60 days. Term B-7: @averygaymom agrees this contract can be used as proof for a town ownership transfer, which @Matejake can file at any time. In case the Mayor application is denied for any reason @averygaymom will return the 85k to @Matejake within 24 hours of the applications denial. I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: Yes, I agree Order in which the listed terms will be fulfilled : (A-1 & A-2) -> (B-1) -> (B-2 & B-3) -> (B-4) -> (B-5) -> (B-6 & B-7) @averygaymom please read over this contract. Then, if you agree, reply to this thread with the following format. Thank you VVVVV IGN: <your in-game name.> I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: <Agreement to the terms laid out in the contract post, yes or no.>
IGN: averygaymom I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: yes
@Matejake a couple things that need to be changed: Please remove the phrase "permanent, irreversible" from this line, this cannot be enforced. If all owners of the town go inactive for more than 6 months then the town will be able to be claimed by a tycoon+. This should say "... 24 hours after the Mayor Application" since this is a Resident to Mayor contract. Please remove the part of this line that references a tycoon+ town claim, since that has nothing to do with what you are trying to do with a contract. A tycoon+ town claim is when someone becomes the official owner of a town whose owner is inactive; a town transfer is the way to transfer official ownership of a town between two consenting players. Town transfer and town claim are two different things, including this bit about a town claim is confusing and unnecessary for the purpose of this contract. You can leave in the bit about the town transfer, since it is necessary for you to transfer official ownership via a town transfer. Let me or another staff member know if you have any questions about this. What image are you talking about? What payment does @averygaymom have to make, you are buying the town from them, so I don't understand why they have to pay you. I have no idea what you are talking about in this line, so please either remove it or elaborate a lot more on what it means. If a payment is being made with a trade sign, please include the xyz coordinates and world for the trade sign.
Thank you for your response @a_man21 , I will make the specified changes after having breakfast. By the way, the trade sign and coordinates were already set up, but I forgot to add the image so I'll do it within an hour. I will also explain why that trade signs exist.
Allright I think all changes were made. As I took a contract made with BaseballIsGolden as an example, I kept for security this lines, but I don't want to give the ownership of the new town never in the future, so that lines were removed. Will also love an explanation about this, because it's being hard for me to read the section of town transfers. I'm not getting a clear idea. Okay, I explained why the trade sign exist, if more information is needed let me know. Again, thank you @a_man21 for your response. Please @averygaymom , some changes were made on the contract. Make sure to read all again and agree it, as I didn't change any concept of the contract, just the format of some parts.
IGN: averygaymom I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: yes
@averygaymom , I've recently made changes at the contract, please, make sure you read it again and rewrite the post if you agree
IGN: averygaymom I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: yes
@averygaymom , contract was eddited again because some advices from @DrowningInPizza . Sorry for the inconvenienes... Could you read it again and accept it too? Tyvm
IGN: averygaymom I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: yes
Made a change at term B-6 due to @DrowningInPizza suggestion, make sure to agree again @averygaymom !
IGN: averygaymom I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: yes