IGN: @monkeyBUTT244 Users Involved in this Contract: @DiamondDesire General Purpose of Contract: The sale of @monkeyBUTT244 's Efficiency 10 Unbreaking 3 Silk Touch axe to @DiamondDesire. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: I will provide the eff10 axe, item ID #JCE6MVVA, to @DiamondDesire within 48 hours of the contract's approval. I agree to not remove any money from the sign mentioned below until the full payment of $800,000 is made. As soon as the full payment of $800,000 is made I will transfer ownership of the tool to @DiamondDesire. I will not ask for the tool to be returned to me unless @DiamondDesire violates the terms of this contract. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: @DiamondDesire will provide a total of $800,000 ECD, paid over 16 weeks, to 16 signs located at /warp pueblo, to the left of the warp on the wall. Each sign will have 10 stone blocks in exchange for $5,000 each, which will be paid every week. Payments of $50,000 will be made by these dates (all in the year 2018): January 22nd January 29th February 5th February 12th February 19th February 26th March 5th March 12th March 19th March 26th April 2nd April 9th April 16th April 23rd April 30th May 7th If the tool is broken/lost in any way, @DiamondDesire will still owe $800,000 in 16 weeks after the contract's approval. I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: I agree.
IGN: @DiamondDesire I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: I agree to the terms stated above.
IGN: @DiamondDesire I, as another party to this contract, agree to the terms laid out for me to uphold, and understand that failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract: I agree to the terms stated above.
Contract looks good! Don't forget to double tap F2 to take time stamped screenshots. Contract Approved