IGN: @jmichael214 Users Involved in this Contract: @jmichael214 @gstoner3 General Purpose of Contract: Recording an existing property right of @gstoner3 in the town of Eastcaster; preserving that right in case of any town transfer or sale. I (the contract initiator) agree to the following terms, and agree that my failure to complete such terms will result in a breach of contract, as outlined in Rule 3: 1. @gstoner3 owns an absolute right of first refusal on the entire northeast quadrant of the town of Eastcaster, including the entirety of the castle known as Caislean Speir. Neither @jmichael214 nor any future owner of Eastcaster can sell any portion of said land or castle without first giving @gstoner3 the right to purchase it at the same price offered by any other player, or $50,000, whichever is less. No matter what price is offered by any other player, @gstoner3's right to purchase the entire quadrant for $50,000 is absolute. @gstoner3 also has the right to limit the application of this contract to those portions of the quadrant he feels are necessary to preserve his work (see below). 2. Upon any other player offering to buy any portion of the northeast one-fourth of Eastcaster, @jmichael214 or any future owner of Eastcaster must give @gstoner3 30 days to raise the funds necessary for any right of first refusal purchase under this contract. The Caislean Speir complex is an essential part of @gstoner3's future plans for the town of FarEastCaster, and his right to it must be respected. This right is absolute, and is in no way affected by any future sale of Eastcaster by @jmichael214 to any other owner. 3. @jmichael214 agrees that the right defined in this contract can only be extinguished by a new contract recording @gstoner3's purchase of the land in question, or by @gstoner3 going inactive for a period of not less than six months. The other user(s) involved with this contract must agree to the following terms: 1. @gstoner3 has already paid for this property right through his efforts in building Caislean Speir and its accompanying landscaping, which have added tremendous value to the town of Eastcaster. However, this agreement until now simply been a handshake agreement between @jmichael214 and @gstoner3. 2. @gstoner3 agrees to mark that portion of the northeast quadrant which he feels is not necessary to protect under this contract. If @gstoner3 feels that the entire northeast quadrant should be covered, that is acceptable. @gstoner3 agrees to mark unneeded land or state the application of this contract to the entire quadrant before this contract is approved by staff. 3. No further payment or action is required from @gstoner3 before staff approval of this contract to make the contract binding on @jmichael214 or any future owner of Eastcaster. I agree that the terms in this contract are subject to all of EcoCityCraft's rules, including the rules listed specifically in this forum. I understand that the contract may be affected by future changes in EcoCityCraft rules and server updates, and I accept that due to the possibility of such changes, this contract may be at my own risk. I understand that the contents of this contract are subject to staff assessment, review and approval before it is a binding contract under EcoCityCraft rules. I accept that action may not be taken in case of a breach of contract if appropriate and sufficient evidence is not provided of such.: I agree to these terms.
Ok is there a thread to chat in I don't wanna bother the mods,oh btw how long have I been offline ingame?
@jmichael214 Under the terms of this contract, these terms are also applying to any potential future owner of the town. As you cannot force contractual terms on anybody without their direct consent, a more appropriate term would to have this circumstance apply only to yourself, but that you can also only sell this town if the buyer is aware of, and contractually agrees to these terms.
Mike, this is very flattering. I am extremely honored that you would go to these lengths to solidify an in-game "chat deal". However, I would not feel quite right in allowing you to restrict yourself to these terms. Quite frankly, if for any reason you were to sell EastCaster, I'm not too sure I would be happy to be owning FarEastCaster next to it I know I also said that I wanted to make the Spier an "entrance" to my town, but I can promise it wont be the ONLY entrance! Again, I don't think I would be comfortable restricting your actions, nor allowing you to restrict them, in this situation. "It's the thought that counts", and this counted for quite a bit, in my book
Well, all righty then... I guess the thread can be locked, if you do that with non-executed contracts.