Complaints (A Thief I say, KILL HIM!)

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by Marmaduke08, Jun 21, 2011.

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  1. Marmaduke08

    Marmaduke08 Guest


    I had a recent break in, and everything was taken out of 1 chest. I ended up spending a long night in the mine shaft, collecting a lot of valuables. And when i logged on this morning, i realized my house was broken into, leaving me with nothing. The only person that it could be, is someone with permission in Arthan's Town. And GroovyLink is is my suspect! He's the only one near my plot with new chests. And i don't trust him.

    I'll provide all the information you need to bring someone to justice!

    I just bought a plot in Athen's Town. I'll post my house Cord- X:514.9 Y:65.6 X: 1919.1

    Here is a screen shot where the griefing took place!


    PLEASE HELP! I know the walls of my house are missing, but it's because i'm building a tree house and the only thing surrounding my little cluster of crafting table, furnaces, and chests, was cobblestone. Then i tore it down, looked inside my chests for materials. And all my Obsidian, 1 Diamond, Diamond pickaxe, 2stksRedstone, Iron, Coal, Gold, and everything from my mining adventure from the night before was ALL GONE!

  2. EGO_downmaster

    EGO_downmaster Builder
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    May 14, 2011
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    The admin won't be able to refund your stuff. It is up to you to /cprivate your chests. Andrew will have to see if there was a break in.
  3. welikeike22

    welikeike22 Dean Martin
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    Apr 5, 2011
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    You should /CPrivate your chests, as EGO said. As mayor, though, i will look into this incident. Because you didn't /CPrivate it, it could be absolutely anyone wandering though the town, you don't need permission to go through an unlocked chest in towns.

    (Oh, and i gave you a free plot, you didn't buy it =.=)
  4. Marmaduke08

    Marmaduke08 Guest

    Yeah it was an accident. It was a new chest that i made at 4am and i forgot to lock it before i logged off. My appologies, but i figured we'd be able to find this bandit ><

    I'll leave this post up for now to see if andy can figure out anything; and i'll remember to lock all chests from now on. Doh
  5. Larsphee

    Larsphee Builder
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    Apr 25, 2011
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    Also, this is serious accusations in my opinion. Maybe it was him, who knows, but other ppl should not get stuck with the feeling that this guy isnt to be trusted. Atleast not before he is proven guilty of anything. Namedropping ppl you SUSPECT isnt the way, no mather how "sure" you are :)
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