Minecraft Username: Lecrayen Complaint: Rezonl is purposely lagging the server using a fast repeater at his store on four doors. Obviously this is against the rules of any server. It is quite annoying, dropping my frame rates drastically from a normal 200 fps down to 12 fps. Evidence:
Rezonl has until tomorrow (March 2), 8AM EST to remove the Swastika lag-"generator." Andrewkm or another Staff member may find a punishment a better fit. Right now this is a warning. Swastikas are not allowed on the server, nor are things that generate a lot of lag; especially in highly populated areas such as Spawn. Whether the Swastika or lag-"generator" were on purpose or not, users need to use common sense before taking action and leaving something like this around. I saw it before, and I know it isn't new.
While i agree the noise Generator does need to be removed, I feel the need to be fair to Rezonl so he doesn't go down for something that was not intentional when i state that is in no way a 'Swastika' unless you were to look at it in an odd angle. Its merely a coincidence. I went over to it, and i understand how one could see it, but this is a registered noise maker on the Minecraft forums(I recall seeing something very close to this, at-least). In addition, the entirety of the Drop in FPS is not solely because of Rezonl's Noise-machine. Spawn is notoriously laggy, it has been for the past few months(for whatever reason that may be) and i don't really think its fair that he be blamed for such.
I never had any issues with my FPS at spawn until it was built. Once it got there, I can hardly bare being there from the FPS drops I got. It's too much lag. As well, it also causes huge amounts of noise (The reason for it existing is to make noise.) Also: I know this isn't really against any rules, but seriously... Building a noise generator that causes huge amounts of lag to people like me at spawn, then asking for money to take it down...? In my opinion, that's just not right. I agree, this is a common design for noise/lag generators. Easy mistake. Don't think it was intentional at all.
Considering his recent appeal of a scam http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=122&t=10413 he feigned innocence on I have a hard time seeing how this is anything other the simple attempts to extort the server populous in general. Maybe you applaud the guy for his dogged pursuit of getting money by means other then farming or mining and having the stones to go for it by brazenly running any scheme he can think of, but maybe he should limit his scams to once a week?
As I said in my first post, whether intentional to be a Swastika, lag-generator, or in this case a noise machine, it can be taken the wrong way and causes problems. Even if he wasn't trying to make something that could bring up a touchy subject for some people, it still can cause it - which was why I mentioned it. Things like that that cause lag or tons of noise to annoy users need to not be in a place where many users are... If it's in his own town, it's completely different. Normally I have 90 FPS in-game, or averaging it. In certain areas of spawn (mainly center and one corner), I can barely keep 10 FPS, and I don't remember spawn ever being like that. Remember, I didn't ban him, simply warned. :b Locking thread to prevent further discussion.