Felon Username: 12345chris54321 Complaint: Lied about the stats of a horse i was buying. Evidence: http://imgur.com/DWhQgmb,QO9jMnb,MhSw0qi,IDNjUmO,KDlbijP,SguuUfe,ZnY6pNX,qIDIbwI,z5xI6cb,QVdncGy Additional Information: I was going to buy a horse from chris for 11.5k. He told me he thought the horse could jump 4 blocks and even admitted to it. When i paid for it, the horse couldnt jump the 4 blocks he told me the thought it could and he will not give me a refund.
Sorry my account doesn't work... this is 12345chris54321 and I said I think the horse could jump 4 blocks I was just mistaken but check this evidence out http://imgur.com/naqSkqb its tdogg agreeing to buy the horse not mentioning the stats or anything
I do not see in any of these screenshots where it has 12345chris54321 specifically saying it jumps 4 blocks, unless you provide proof that this was specifically stated then nothing will come of this complaint. All I can see in these screenshots is that he said that he "thought" it could jump 4 blocks, there is no proof he advertised it as being able to jump 4 blocks. 24 hours given to provide proof that this user advertised it specifically as being able to jump 4 blocks. #Do not post on this unnessasarily, unnessasary posts or complaints about how this is being handled may result in a forum warning. Evident contributing to this case is all I want to see below this post.
He didnt say it specifically jumped 4 blocks. He said that he thought it could, but it could barely even jump half that.
if you have absolute proof that this user lied then please post it here, if you do not please state so here so I can lock this complaint.