Felon Username: thestaticage98 Complaint: Another inappropriate custom tag and status that is obviously targeted towards BLTwitch. Evidence: http://i.imgur.com/ATXCFaN.png Additional Information: Now I know his friends/sheep will come to this post and rate it funny and post in the comments and say how 'stupid' this complaint is, all I have to say to you is thanks for the free ratings
Alright so after talking to a few staff members about this situation we have decided to ask TheStaticAge98 to please change his forum tag, as we decided it is directed at the specific user. I however want BLTwitch and eekelmo to please use the forum ignore feature, this will allow you to not see any of the specific post of that user. I want TheStaticAge98 to knock it off with making forum tags such as this, many are considered Harassing, Trolling, or just not appropriate. If you have any questions with how I handled this, or how you can better ignore situations like these feel free to give me a ingame/forum pm. Locked, Static please change your forum tag, Bltwitch, and Eekelmo please remember there is also a Ignore feature of the forum.