Felon Username:Icondigi Complaint:Icondigi has been recruiting users from ECC to another server, I believe promising them staff. I know this because I was Developer for the server, but had left because I couldnt stand it. Anyways, I really do not like Icondigi and decided He should pay for taking loyal players from EcoCityCraft. I have taken over the website, Since I had made it, and will delete it if you guys want. Evidence:[Mod-Edit] As you can see, There are plenty of EcoCityCraft players applying for staff. Additional Information: I really hope that no players are looked at different for falling for Icondigi's promises of staff, for they were victims.
Do you have any proof that members are being recruited? For example, screenshots of icondigi PMing another user to join their server? There is nothing illegal about having your own server and website, but you cannot advertise is in anyway.
I dont know how Id be able to get screenshots of a pm from icon to another user, but its highly obvious with these members, and if you ask the users or look at the logs, you can find that Icon was behind most or all of it. Also, is there anything EcoCityCraft requests of me to do to the website? Thanks for your quick reply RyanFj1, as you may or may not know, I am quitting eco, and I do not hate any staff, but some come on a little stronger than others, and that is partially the reason that I am leaving for now. Anyways, You were always one of my favorites, and able to take care of a majority of situations nicely!
Thanks for reporting! There is no evidence that icondigi has been recruiting members, so there is nothing that we will be able to do. It certainly raises some questions, so I will look into it further. You don't have to do anything to your website, just please make sure you don't advertise it. I'm sorry to hear that you are quitting ECC. It was nice having you, and I hope to see you sometime in the future!