Felon Username: Icondigi Complaint:Loan Scamming Evidence: http://imgur.com/TSci03l Additional Information: On Sunday June 2nd he said he needed a 4k loan to rent a melon sword and as soon as i sent him the money he instantly logged off and whenever he was online he would not respond to my pms or mails and he was not afk because he was talking in global chat. I dont want to get him banned but i just want my 5k back.
Hello, First I would ask of 3AmazingBuilder3 to provide a screenshot with a timestamp and upload that within 24 hours of this post. And second if icondigi could provide any proof that they may have paid back 3amazingbuilder3. Thread left open for 24 hours to allow user to post timestamped screenshot
This was written while I was typing the above post. Again, Thread left open for 24hours for either party to produce proof of their side of the transaction