BadassBraeden: Complaint:Scammed me of $5000. Agreed to sell me three horse eggs for $5000. I paid him and he logged off and never provided me the eggs. Evidence: attached screenshot Additional Information: Screenshot shows him telling me to pay first and me paying him I would like my $5000 back or the three eggs. or proof from him that another agreement was made as I don't have a screen shot of the agreement lined out explicitly.
Unfortunately I do not. The linked screenshot is the only proof I can provide. I am sincerely hoping it is enough to warrant some kind of action. I was mistaken when I though that "lol pay me first" would count as an agreement. aracelas told me that wasn't enough to count as an agreement. I am hoping that since I have proof I paid him $5000 I can shift the burden of proof to him.
Without complete evidence we are unable to act. I'll leave this complaint open for a few more hours to give you a chance to post any that you happen to find.
It's an unfortunate situation. I have proof that I paid, but he doesn't need to provide proof of delivery because I have no proof of what was to be delivered. Is that a fair assessment of the situation? I was told by aracelas that would be the case, and unfortunately I have no further evidence to present. Please lock thread. Before locking please describe precisely what you mean by "complete evidence" thank you
In order for us to act on this, you need to have screenshots of him saying that he will give you the three horse eggs for $5000, you paying him and you not getting the eggs. Without that, sadly we cannot do anything.