Mardigan_The_Mad kutless228 mechsouls As I was skimming through trade chat, I saw an unusually low offering for an erepair at $50 per repair. The advertisement was as so, "$50 for erepairs pm for tp." So, of course, i jumped on this opportunity however not without being hesitant. I quickly dumped some stuff just in case such as my quartz blocks and such, in case, it was a lava trap. Although I was suspicious i got a tp to him anyways. As most of you know ordinarily the repairer will tp to you. Something was odd about this repair. Kutless228 had tped me into a small shack in his barren town, the only building around. It looked as if it were put together in 2 minutes. No one else was around at this point. He then proceeded to leave the shack via lift which i wasn't able to use. there was a small hole in the glass he wanted me to send my items through. Once i sent my items through, I saw mechsouls run up from a beach. Kutless then said sorry i can only repair regular items not enchanted! Mechsouls then was almost right inbetween kutless228, the glass and I. Kutless228 then dropped the items out of my reach and in reach of mechsouls. Then kutless228 began to act aloof as if he didn't even notice mechsouls in plain sight. Then i proceeded to get maridgan_the_mad a moderator who i trusted and knew would do everything he could. What made this happening even more curious was that when i did /region info, mechsouls was the only member of the region which was owned by kutless228. Mechsouls persistently refused to give back my items even though mardigan_the_mad continually asked him and strongly suggested. What made it even more apparent of a scam was mechsouls clear understanding of the rules of scamming and item drops as if he had studied them right before hand. Mechsouls then began to troll not only me but mardigan_the_mad when he said he'd only give it back for 5k then upped the price to 10k. Then he said if i can give him 1 good reason he'd give me 1 item back if i could give him two good reasons he'd give me two items back. He seemed to get more and more facetious. Also, kutless228 suddenly and conveniently had to log off. All in all, I lost 1 enchanted diamond helm (blast protection III, water affinity I), one enchanted diamond boots (protection III, featherfall IV), one enchanted diamond chest armor (thorns II, blast protection iii) and one enchanted diamond pickaxe (efficiency iii)
I also just want to point out that kutless228 doesn't even have regular repair now looking at his profile. kutless228 Mardigan_The_Mad
Me, Kutless228 and mechsouls where saying in chat we did e-repairs for $50 and we were going to sell them for ecocitycraft dollars. We tped thomasku11 to us and had him go in our hut ant throw his items, and there have mechsouls come and take the enchanted item from the player. After we got them we would sell the items to other players on the server. We realize it was scamming. We needed ecocitycraft dollars me, Kutless228 and mechsouls. Me, Kutless228 and mechsouls apologize for are services.
Actions like these really tear at the fabric of society and sense of community on the server and speaks volumes about your character as if your grammar and spelling already didn't. This is truly the act of a degenerate. kutless228
Thomas I will give you your items back.Then we can just drop this complaint and let the staff get back to work on more important things. Just pm me and if im not on just send me a /mail.
Guys i'm going to be speaking to each of you ingame soon and going over all of the information. Please be patient, this process a few moments.
I would like to note that mechsouls has willingly given me the items that were stolen to give back to thomasku11 when he returns online. However, we will still wait for Mard to finish his investigation.
Since Mech has returned the items this case will be closed. Thomas, I want you to be more careful with your items. I suggest trading through locked chests from now on.