The super mod "Core_Diver" had recently banned me for bypassing a ban although i hadn't. the old owner as I told Core_Diver had gotten Gmax24 banned but later transfered the account to me to give to my brother. I was talking to Core_Diver about this to get his help because i filed a ban appeal for Gmax24 and only got half help. Well Core only decided to read half of what I told him. I dont want him to get in trouble, i just want him to realize the misunderstanding and un-ban me. Thats all. Thanks to anyone who helps!
Shanter and dgam02, please don't post unnecessarily. Buckeyegecko, I am sorry for my misunderstanding before. I couldn't understand why you wanted the other account unbanned, or your connection to it. In the future, only that account can appeal its own ban. Again, sorry for the confusion, I will unban your current account presently. User Unbanned