Hey i have a complaint, over where d0rcs house is "The form this way house" lem0n head built RIGHT next to it, so close the roofs are touching, he build on Canada_blue's castle! Its against the rules to storm in and build on some1 elses property. Im just leting you know that he is doing stuff he only built a mine connected to canada's castle _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ScreenShots The 2 houses Canada's Castle The Mine!
I second this complaint. The User Lem0n_Head is also the former user Pitts87 and also that BOBMARLY_81 according to numerous users. Last time i checked the written rules, it is strictly forbidden to have secondary accounts, and in this case the user simply just bought two new accounts to get past his ban. Shouldnt this be bannable too? Lem0n_Head admitting he's also Pitts.... http://i52.tinypic.com/2jfwpyv.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/eb7gn4.jpg
He basicly got to Resident in one day buying 20k He Watsed his money. Btw i know this guy irl, Same with Mike.