Felon Username: HxroTV (user already banned) Complaint: Donation Scamming Evidence: http://imgur.com/4DIeEHP,vp1NOZW,zRDMvs1,9q7povQ Additional Information: I realize that this user is already banned for a similar complaint but I wanted to post this for records as well.
Hi Sheep_mage, Hxrotv is currently banned, but thank you for reporting this matter. It will be taken into consideration in dealing with the issues involving this user. Action Taken: no action taken yet because hxrotv is already banned. illinifan, I am sorry to hear that you have an issue, but your only recourse is to post a separate complaint of your own. As I said in the other similar thread this evening. Because this is a second instance of unnecessary posts, I am issuing you a forum warning.