[Complaint] Filter

Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by Relusto, Feb 25, 2012.

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  1. Relusto

    Relusto Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-Mayor ⚒️⚒️

    Oct 12, 2011
    Trophy Points:
    Felon: the cursed filter that is being used in Ecocitycraft!

    Complaint: This filter keeps on censoring my messages like, 'Yes.', 'No.', "Okay,' or "Hi." It is driving me crazy because my message doesn't through so I type it again and again! it's not preventing spam, it's isn't. All it's doing is causing normal players who actually decide they want to seem intelligent to others seem like they are spammers, troll or such. they don't want seen to look like the trolls, new players or idiots. What it's is being bad at grammar, it even proves that when it does the 'Capital Letters arent cool letters!' One, arnt is suppose to be aren't. Two, Letters does not need a capital L in it. Three, It is being hypocritical by using capital letters. Now, my grammar or spelling isn't top notch, but it's good level that my message one to four errors maybe. This Rant is over for this section.

    Evidence: Try typing any of the examples I just showed to you, but not any /tell <player name> Hi. The filter seems to fail at that.

    Additional Information: I am at my edge for this filter because it's making me lose my cool and it's takes a lot to lose my cool.
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