Felon username: Fifyfofumotter Reason: She scammed me 50k and hasn't paid me yet. I posted a complaint and I waited a long time and she hasn't paid yet. Evidence: http://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/complaint-fifyfofumotter.56569/#post-268063
FiFyFoFumOtter you probably haven't seen him online because you've been off for 12 whole days. Pruneda98 I want you to set up a sign in a place that is easily accessible, and then post here when you have done that, stating the location of it. That sign should be able to hold the 50k Fify owes you, which he will then put into the sign.
Zardyger, I have quit the server, atleast temporarily, because I am tired of it. Anyways, I had made the money and waited for three whole days. This User had harassed me through my forum inbox, and I had just wanted to get rid of him, so I sold donation features. Anyways, I will not be able to get on eco for a while now. I will gladly pay back this user when He is on.
Alright, I've consulted with pruneda, and the sign is set up. At the town portal floor 4, blue row, through the France portal, is a sign for you to pay back pruneda. You have 24 hours to do so FiFyFoFumOtter.
I have checked the sign, and payment was sent: http://i.imgur.com/qDfv9JY.png Locked, issue resolved.