Felon Username: ayeguy666 Complaint: For never giving me 30 Iron Ingots when i paid him 220$ for them. I think it was a Fake Auction but idk. he had iron ingots in his hand. Evidence: N/A Additional Information: As soon as i paid him he said 1 sec i said :k. then he went offline for about 5 hours. He may have thought I would for get but I didn't...
newoo101 you must take screenshots when you make transactions so that there is proof. F2 is the key. then use imageshack or tinypic or the like to upload and be given a link to post in the forum. Send the user a mail with /mail send ayeguy666 [msg] and see if this can be resolved.
^ It depends on your keyboard, if you keyboard is Asian (not being racist) there might be different keys...
No evidence. Please take screenshots when reporting a user. Sorry about this, standard proceedures and it doesn't make it seem as if someone's been falsely accused. //Locked.