Felon Username: alexrdz Complaint: Auctioned horse egg for 30k, logged off after money sent Evidence: full chat log: http://pastebin.com/diKbkcvA specific chat lines: http://pastebin.com/vW5J3inU Additional Information: just a builder, not sure what happened. as long as I get my egg or my 30k im good (he could have just had his internet crash or something)
Update: he logged in after to sell the egg again. and again after logging off when i confronted him about it saying "I don't have the money I'm going to sleep" full chat: http://pastebin.com/y41kj40k selected chat: http://pastebin.com/h8rnSDwt Selected chat contains an ammendum conversation where gwillydog informed me the egg he was selling was scammed. This turned out to be from a different user
We do not accept chat logs as evidence as they can be very easily editted. Please provide screenshot proof. Revanrose6
Hello, I am sorry this has happened to you, but, without proper evidence I will have to dismiss this complaint. I recommend taking screenshots of any finacial transactions especially expensive ones. Revanrose6 Complaint Dismissed