
Discussion in 'Complaints Archive' started by j0j, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. j0j

    j0j Builder
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    Mar 9, 2013
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    IGN- andresv10

    Reason- Over the past couple days andresv10 has been "attenpting" to scam me out of 25k/30k. He claimed he had 2 horse eggs to wich he was selling to me. The first day I was advertising that I was buying a horse egg and he Pmed me. He said meet at the market. I went to the market when he said pay up. I wouldnt pay him unless he actually SHOWED the egg. I told him that. He then ran away scared I was going to tell a mod. (lol). The next day I was still looking for an egg when he pmed me AGAIN! He claimed that he still hasnt sold the egg and would sell it to me for about 25k. I met him at the market again when I asked to see the egg he held out a villager egg :D lol I just said thats a villager egg and I never messeged him again...

    Evidence- I forgot to take screenies but just wanted to let the people of ECC know that not to buy a horse egg from this guy. Maybe even try to buy one and take screenshots but then report him. Idk I just want this guy banned for what he did and if anybody can do it, its the wonderful economy of ECC.

  2. HCPillarofFire

    HCPillarofFire Builder
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️

    Dec 23, 2012
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    Please do not post complaints if you know you do not have proper evidence. Also complaints are nothing to joke about.
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