Selling Co-Ownership to my Farm! Sold to Jakey in the past for $300,000! Buy it for less, on sale for only $175,000. You can add anyone you'd like to the Farm, as long as you charge them $40,000 per perms. Make the $175,000 back within a few days. Great investment. Post below if you're interested.
I have the money, but I did /rg i farm and myminecrafter01 was the only owner. Is this meant to be or not? Jetscat
Jetscat sold the farm to me a long time a go, yet still adds owners. This which degrades to other members and owners, making there membership worth less. I let it slide for a while but now it's getting annoying as jetscat is essentially scamming me, so I had no choice but to re-claim my ownership which jetscat sold me. Spoiler Clearly shows jetscat saying "I'll give you my ownership to the farm", which means transferring ownership. You don't just say "I'll sell you this, but I still own it you sort of co own it." when you have said previously "I'll transfer ownership to you".
We made no agreement saying I couldn't further add Owners/Members to my town? By ownership, I meant "/rg addowner" that was the agreement.. I told you were welcome to also add Owners/Members to the town, and sell Ownership perms. I also bought Ownership perms from Rezonl, it doesn't give you the right to remove me from the town.
This if for the town named "Farm" It is a 200x200x12 farm. 11 floors of pumpkin, and 1 floor of melon.