okay so over the past few weeks i took it upon myself to develop an app which lets you chat to ECC straigrht from your mobile. At this stage since the app has only been in development for a few weeks it is in alpha stage. whixh means the app is quite buggy. With this app it lets you perform most of the main commands such as /ch global and /msg allthough it can send the mesaage to the wromg person sometimes. If you have any knowledge of coding then please contact me here are some screenshots of the app in action http://imgur.com/a/fm3SP#0
There is already an app that lets you do this on Android. Just search "minecraft chat" in Google play. It lets you use the chat on any server (with the exception of modloader servers).
Yes why are the screenshots of an android phone if it's ment to be an iPhone app? I'm not sure why you would want to chat on ecc from your phone but still this sound cool.
actually it is using a different engine. it has access to more commands and is specifically designed for ecc
This is cool. I would definitely pay to see chat and stuff. And that if it works on iOS 5.5 I will buy it in a heart beat.
I know this is kinda old but, could you make an app that has ECC chat, ventrilo capabilities, IRC chat, and maybe live map? That would be awesome!
I found a chat app a while back. Has all the commands and capable of doing the lottery. Runs well on my Nexus. No issues so far. Here is a link to the free app(advertisement at the top of screen): https://play.google.com/store/apps/...qcG1henN0dWRpb3MubWluZWNyYWZ0Y2hhdF9saXRlIl0. And here is a link to the paid app(no ads) $2.42: https://play.google.com/store/apps/...sImNvbS5qcG1henN0dWRpb3MubWluZWNyYWZ0Y2hhdCJd