Minecraft Name: gstoner3 Suggestion: Add a command (such as "/leave all") to leave all chat channels Reason: I typically leave all chat channels except Local. It seems that every 2 days reset, so I have to go through all the chat channels and leave them individually. It would be nice to be able to leave all of them, then just add local back on. Any Other Information: I can't be the only one that leaves the majority of the channels, can I? Link To This Plugin: none
Herochat doesn't support something like this, but I'm sure the developer might want to add it. Herochat is closed source currently, so no developer like myself could add it.
hmmm, just thought of an idea. Is it possible to load multiple commands onto a powertool? At work atm, so I can't test it. Side note: I believe that when ECC started, there WERE no open source chat plugins...