A large number of players including moderation staff are using chat abilities in ways that in my view would be considered problematic. Players are using abilities in chat to pretend to be staff, create scamming type messages, and simply using it to create spam and annoyance because no rules are in place. I take note and realise that staff are trying to limit this, and that one of the SuperMods increased the price of shouts from 250, to 500 ecodollars, but this still doesn't off set the abuse that is currently happening. I ask that staff look into the possibility of creating rules for player usage and ensure that the game moderation team are free from all chat offences as it demeans and belittles the great work other staff here do. If we wouldn't allow it on the forums, I politely ask for it to be removed from our game as well.
Andrew has specifically said in the past that the Purpose of Shout is to allow someone to spam, but make them pay for it heavily. 500/Shout wears money away very quickly when they're spamming pointless crap, and unless they have obscene amounts of money, they'll watch how many times they do it.
You two aren't seeing this part, Users who impersonate staff are giving staff a bad reputation, or easily can. They can also mini-mod, confuse new users, and cause drama. It should not be allowed. Only in /shout can you really pretend to be staff, or do anything "fancy" for scamming. If a user is scamming with /shout, they can still get in trouble. Scamming isn't tolerated and is against the rules. As long as someone has proof they were scammed, whether it was in or was started by a /shout, the scammer can still get in trouble. Using your money on /shout doesn't mean you can avoid rules that are server-wide/universal. Even though /shout has less strict rules, it doesn't mean they have none or you can avoid any other rules on the server.