Chargers2417's 'Enchanting' MarketI am currently selling tools / armor that I have been enchanting recently. There are no EFF5 tools, but if you order one I can make one. Nothing below has a price, but you are to make me an offer. If you post asking how much, I will simply ignore. Also, all tools / armor are diamond.Pickaxes Spoiler: Pickaxes 1. EFF 3 UNB3 x3 2. UNB3 3. EFF1 UNB1 Axes Spoiler: Axes 1. EFF4 UNB3 FOR3 2. EFF4 UNB3 3. UNB3 4. EFF1 Shovels Spoiler: Shovels 1. EFF4 SILK1 2. UNB3 x2 3. EFF4 4. EFF2 UNB1 Swords Spoiler: Swords 1. SHARP3 KB2 x2 2. SMITE4 KB2 3. SHARP2 4. KB2 5. SMITE5 Bows Spoiler: Bows 1. FLAME1 2. POWER3 FLAME1 Helmet Spoiler: Helmets 1. FIRE PROT4 2. FIRE PROT3 RES3 AA1 Chestplates Spoiler: Chestplates 1. FIRE PROT3 THORN2 2. PROJECT PROT4 THORN2 Leggings Spoiler: Leggings 1. PROT4 x2 Boots Spoiler: Boots 1. PROT3 FF4 2. BLAST PROT4 FF4 Books Spoiler: Books 1. UNB3 2. POWER3 3. SHARP3 4. SMITE1 *All items listed are up to date*