Now before I get started, I wanna say that THIS is gonna be a long read. And unlike the title says, its not ONLY for presidents, thats why its in here in General and not in Presidents Only section Now to the GOOD part.. WHAT ARE THE MOTIVATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT Before revealing what my project is and the details on how you can help and when it's gonna be ready, I want to tell everyone where this idea comes from, and I why I'm starting this thing! I've been on the server for little while, a bit over a month now, and I've noticed a few things that required some work to make this server (which is already extremely good!) even better! The player shop system (with signs) is amazing! Nothing bad can be said about the ranking system and the donator features. The fact that you can have player controlled and player built cities is awesome! I think I speak for pretty much anyone (at least, anyone thats on the forums!) When I say that this server is one of the best out there! Thanks to Andrewk and his team for all the good work they've done, and that they're continuing to provide to everyone, keeping ECC on the Top of MC Servers list in my book! Now to that point I think needed a bit of work.. Point Number One: Having Nations (presidents) is cool and all! But it doesn't really ADD anything, other than the ability to have multiple towns. There isn't any real interaction between Presidents and their citizens, or between Presidents among themselves. What I'm proposing today, is a system and a project that will IMPROVE the President Rank, and add a bigger Purpose to it! It will also allow Nations to really work together (citizens of different towns under the same nation can work together to make money and gain Wealth for their Nation! Point Number Two: Trading. In ECC, trading is a BIG part of the gameplay. The Spawn Area offers different shops (food, wool, building blocks, basic equipment, etc) But for anything else (loot, diamonds, enchanted equipment, players and towns have to rely on Trading and Auction Channels. Don't get me wrong, this system works good, but I think I came up with a project that might IMPROVE Player-Player trading, but most importantly, Nation-Nation and President-President trading! Since EcoCityCraft is an economic server (obviously..), it is heavily supported by a player-driven economy, what makes this server so special! The reasons why I'm revealing this project today is simple! I want to provide a place that promotes, first of all, Trading between players, a safe place for them to trade (without any risk of being robbed by another passing player), etc. But mainly, my objective is to promote some kind of Nations Trading system that would add purposes to Presidents (other than just the Yellow rank..) and to Nations. WHAT MY PROJECT IS Here are the DETAILS of my project! I will provide, build AND set up a 200 X 200 town, in the MIDDLE of my Nation (called KebrokKingdom). Its gonna be called KebrokMarket. A town with one purpose, and one purpose only : Market and Trading area. Since its gonna be INSIDE the KebrokKingdom, a very important aspect of the town will be the REALISM. Its a medieval kingdom.. if you feel like visiting, feel free to do so! Our town portal is in the Upstairs Dark Green room, Station 8 : KebrokHills. You'll get a nice idea of what the Market might look like. KebrokHills is the Farming district, so there are a lot of green areas. The same may not be true about KebrokMarket, since we want an efficient management of the available space. What it will feature: Town Portal: Obviously, we want a way to get there from spawn, FAST! Costs to the User(s) : Free, Obviously! Secure Trade Rooms: Rooms where players can get in, and LOCK the door from the inside (lever) to securely trade items. Cost to the User(s) : Free! EDIT: I tried some things for this, still have to figure out a way to make Rooms that can be locked from the inside from ANYONE, even if they're not from the town. VIP Area: A VIP area will be available for users that wish to help fund the town and the markets, as well as a way for them to sell their unwanted items, instead of having them rot in a chest in their home for ages. In this VIP area, there will be items for sale at 125% server price, rather than 200% server price on Spawn Shops! VIP Members will also be able to sell basic blocks and items (up to a certain quantity every week or month) at 125% server price. As an example, at the beginning of each week or month, The BUY shops (where YOU SELL) will be emptied of the items and filled with another amount of cash to buy from you! This is to prevent someone to get VIP status for one week and selling us 25,000 cobble and dirt, making a ton of money, then leaving. We don't want to give you 10,000$ for your blocks in a week, then never see you again. We want to promote long term VIP members, so package deals on VIP Applications will offer rebates over larger time periods. (1 week = full price, 3 weeks = 15% off, 6 weeks = 25%, etc.. These are examples!) So basically, what this means is VIP players will be able to sell AND buy at 125% server price, instead of buying at ~150% from players (average profit from player-player trades) or 200% from server. Cost to the User(s) : Weekly fee, yet to be determined! Nations/Presidents Market: THIS is BY FAR the most interesting idea I've come up with, for multiple reasons! First of all, I want ALL THE PRESIDENT TO READ THIS -> If you own a Nation that's active and you plan to be active for a while, YOU WILL RECEIVE A FREE AREA TO HAVE A SET NUMBER OF SHOP SIGNS, FOR FREE! You did read correctly : FREE! The reason why I want this to be free is to give a reason for PRESIDENTS to come and set up shop in here, but ALSO, I want as much shops as I can, so people can come in here and spend some time and some of their hard earned money! The more shops there are, the more INTERESTING it is for someone to come visit the town! And the more traffic we get, the better it is! Want to sell high-demand items, like Diamonds, Bones, Seeds, etc? THIS would be the place to set up shop! Cost to the User(s) : FREE FOR PRESIDENTS ONLY! Now you're probably saying : "Why only Presidents can apply for this?".. The answer is quite simple : My goal is not to offer free Shop Plots to anyone. My main objective with this project, and don't get me wrong, its gonna be time, energy AND money consuming for me (especially since its gonna be FREE!), is to promote INTRA-NATION communication, AND INTER-NATION trading. I want people from different towns within the same Nations to work together, to gather ressources, even organize activities within their territory to get ressources, like diamond hunts, wood gathering in groups, hunting partys, etc! I want Nations to work together, within their ranks and WITH OTHER NATIONS! The way I see it right now, the term NATION is kinda wrongly used, because I think pretty much everyone on the server, or a vast majority, play this "by themselves", or in small pack. I want to be perfectly clear, my main goal is to improve the Nation experience and induce cooperation and teamwork, within Nations! I want people to come up with ideas to spice up their gaming experience on ECC by finding fun ways to get ressources, experience and items as teams to make their Nation more prosperous and wealthy, but also more renown and whatnot! I'm not hoping to make a lot of money out of this project, so don't get me wrong here. If anything, I will probably break even, or maybe even lose money on the long term! I want to add an aspect of the Economic world thats kinda lacking right now (at least thats the impression I'm getting!). A HUGE 200X200 market area, with tons of shops and offered services. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP Now, if this idea is interesting to you, or you think you could have fun participating in this, there are a few things everybody can do! EVERYONE: There are a few things you can do! If anything strikes you, like an idea or anything that can improve the project, feel free to reply in this topic here and we'll all discuss this We will also need a lot of Labor Workers. We will need terrain workers (unless I can raise the funds for a world edit, which I dont like as much, since a completely flat land wont look as good) to "sculpt" the terrain. I will also need experienced builders. Although I think I can be good at building realistic landscapes and buildings (as you can see in my 1st town), the problem here wont be the quality, it will be the quantity of buildings to be done. If you think you can help in this area, feel free to post anything you can do (medieval themed, of course) in here! I want everything to be done as fast as possible so everyone can then use the services and features offered! Though we will need many workers, I dont plan to have a lot of funds for "labor" workers, so what I could do, is provide helpers with free access to VIP areas for a certain amount of time, depending of their work! Another simple thing everyone can do that costs nothing, is TALKING ABOUT THIS. Ingame, on the forums, to your friends, sending them the link here to read this. The more that people know about this, the better it will be for Presidents selling their nation's goods because there will be more hype and traffic, better for visitors because there will be more items and blocks available, etc, etc! So spread the word! DONATIONS?: If you feel like this is a great idea, but dont really have the time of the will to help as worker or planner, and you still want to help realize the project, feel free to donate any amount of EcoDollars to me! Make sure you post in here with the amount you'd like to donate so I can keep track of who gives how much! I havent thought about it yet, but I'll work out on some sort of "Donator Features" in the near future, to reward donators! I know there are a lot of "Rich" players out there who might think this is a good idea, so if you want to help, we'll be graceful of any amount we can receive PRESIDENTS DONATING?: I haven't figured out everything yet, but one thing for sure is, for Presidents Donating for a certain amount of EcoDollars of more, they will have access to a larger area for their Nation's Shop. Right now, I'm thinking of a 25X25 area (by default). Presidents who donate a certain amount of more (to be announced) will probably receive a 40X40 or 50X50 building instead! Check back later for more infos on this! Donators List - NAME -- | -- AMOUNT DONATED - - antcubing -- | -- 5000.00 - Total Money Raised: 5000.00$ FINAL WORDS: Alright, I've been writing this topic for the past hour and a half, trying to think of other ideas and trying not to forget anything, so dont be surprised if I add a lot of things in the very near future! I'm very tired right now, so I'll probably sleep this over and have ALL my ideas back tomorrow, LOL! COMMENTS, RATE AND SUBSCRIBE! (ooh wait, this is not YouTube! ).. Weellll if you think this is a good idea... + Reputation me!
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark good ideas man i like/agree with all of it!! nations should be added/made
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark Soooo, is nobody else really interested? And Zack, Nations ARE already in there, they just dont really serve any real purpose
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark So its a 200x200 market place, and you are selling plots? (2lazy2readcuzimdumb)
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark good job dj i like ur ideas and i think ando326 would be perfict for the building job, he can build anything
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark I like your idea. Tomorrow when I’m on I’ll send $2000.
Re: Calling ALL Presidents! - Server Market Area! KebrokMark I will help you buy this town and build all the stuff that is needed to be built I shall donate 100K next time I'm on!